Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
Detroit has multiple realities, and all of them are valid. It all depends where in Detroit you live, as to what reality you perceive. Mid-Town is growing. Gilbert, Ilitch, and assorted yupsters are turning it into a first-class playland. Yippee, hip-hip, hoorah, and good for them. Some of us "other" tax-paying Detroiters are living in a different kind of reality, and it might not be so nice. The frustration occurs when posts are made stating things like "I've NEVER heard any gunshots", "Detroit's crime is exagerated, just move in anywhere, there's plenty of hugs to go around", "THAT neighborhood sucks, they should just bulldoze it over". For some of us, our neighborhood struggle has been going on for years, and with every forward step, there seems to be two taken back. One group doesn't seem to understand what's going on with the other. So there's my opinion on Detroit EXPOSED!.
Perfectly stated.