Quote Originally Posted by kenp View Post
Doesnt look like Stafford wants to help out, cat say I blame him.
In free agency I keep hearing about RB's & WR's, give me some D
I'm not sure what the hang-up is here with Matt Stafford. All he has to do is re-structure, right? It's not like he'd be getting paid any less money. It could just be the length of deferment or some other payment schedule discussions that are holding things up. I don't see why he wouldn't do it on those grounds just because it'd also be in his best interest to loosen up some of the cap space so he and the team can accumulate more talent around him.

I'm also in agreement with getting more defensive minded with the free agency, but then it also makes me wonder if Martin Mayhew's not looking to resolve some of those issues in the draft.