Quote Originally Posted by 313WX View Post
And that's not including any delays due to lawsuits.

That's why Detroit needs to file for bankruptcy yesterday.
I prefer bankruptcy over EFM. And most certainly think that CA is the worst possible option.

But we've left the best option off the table. The absolute best option, and the only one with any real chance of success is doing nothing at all. Let Detroit have at least one payless payday.

Suddenly, a line forms at Snyders desk asking for an EFM. And when the reforms come, people will actually accept them because they will truly understand that there is no money.

If we don't do this and let Detroit get off with bankruptcy, EM, EFM, or CA -- we'll find ourselves right back because too few will really believe there's a problem. They've all been trained for years to believe its a vast right-wing conspiracy to steal Detroit's jewels. That only if they'd stop taking Detroit's money, we'd be rich.

Bring on the payless payday.

So please, lawsuits. Bring on Sharpton and Jackson. File a few civil rights lawsuits claiming some discrimination. Have federal courts filled with suits claiming voter fraud. Anything. Just gum up the works a little more.