Quote Originally Posted by Islandman View Post
Dammit, I just want it to begin at this point.

Yes, I understand how it hasn't worked anywhere else, but i would hope that Detroit's "visibility' on the world's stage may make the end result a bit different.

One can hope right.......?
I am very confused as to how this hasn't worked anywhere else. Examples;

Pontiac: Police response times have gone from 76 minute average to just over 9 minutes. Fire services now partner with Waterford. Downtown has seen a dramatic increase in redevelopment. Leased out excess space at water facility to erase long term debt obligations, freeing city taxes to pay for services not debt.

Flint: Balanced city budget while adding to police and fire department thanks to a 6 mill ballot proposal. Privatized management of previously closed and abandoned golf courses. Privatized trash collection to save city $1 million annually and add recycling. Created OPRA redevelopment district for a dozen downtown properties. Removed Genesee Towers [[major liability) from the city's books and gave it to a redevelopment firm. Rewrote 2 union contracts and negotiated 3 more to achieve cost reducations. Balanced the city's lighting and trash funds with fee changes. Moved pension liability from the city to the state.

Any one of these things would be seen as major, yet EMs have done them all in about 2 years. I will never understand this idea that EMs are an utter failure.