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  1. #76
    Stosh Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Lonyo exit View Post
    "I havent fully mastered spellcheck whcih is why there are so many typos in my posts. Not bad for someone who is in my late 40s."

    If you need spellcheck to spell simple words correctly you are a dolt. Spellcheck used to be what we called getting an education. Pretty bad for someone who is in their late 40s.
    It's all an act. The spelling and word usage improved dramatically in the last few posts. Like this one.

    am disappointed in the completely racist posts on this site, and wonder why some of your privileges havent been revoked. I have seen people banned from this site for far less. Don't mean to offend you, mr. moderator, but the fact that people are not only permitted, but often encouraged to spout unambiguously racist statements speaks loudly as to the intent of this board.
    Last edited by Stosh; June-23-09 at 06:31 AM.

  2. #77
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by crawford View Post
    and probably helps many guys with stress and lowers the rates of assault and sex-based crime.
    Got any stats to back up this claim?

  3. #78


    "and don't even tell me that ANY OF YOU would want a strip club within a mile of your home.

    if you do, you are a liar."

    There are two within a mile of my estate. There have been no related issues in my community with them.

    As far as all of this "exploitation" by strip clubs claimed by some on this board is just plain backward. How can someone who enters into an agreement to of their own free will [[and are free to leave at any moment) be exploited? Does this "logic" mean that I should adjust my worldview regarding exploited people to include my car mechanic, bag boys and waitresses?

    If there is anything being exploited, it's the "word of the "Lord"; used as a feeble means to morally regulate and control the surrounding citizenry. Actually, this issue is really a means to keep crooked "Pastors" [[who are soaking the poor) from being driven from their fiefdoms.

  4. #79


    Quote Originally Posted by Downtown diva View Post
    and don't even tell me that ANY OF YOU would want a strip club within a mile of your home.

    if you do, you are a liar.
    I have a strip club that's less than a mile from my home. It's been in the neighborhood for more than 30 years. I don't have a problem with it.

    My neighborhood association did a survey of its residents a couple of years ago; asking people what problems they identify in the neighborhood. There wasn't a single person who identified it as a problem.

    The Skillman Foundation also came through the area as they were gearing up their Good Neighbors Initiative and asked people to list all of the problems that they see in the neighborhood. Again, not one single person listed the local strip club.

    Do you really think that my entire neighborhood is filled with liars? Or do we just have better things to worry about?

    Here's a thought: if this passes and the current legal strip clubs are driven out of business by excessive regulations, how about if we arrange for all of the illegal strip clubs to set up show in your neighborhood?

    That's exactly what's going to happen. These rules will simply replace the current crop of legal strip clubs with illegal ones that operate out of empty buildings with no regulation or oversight. No matter what one might think about the legal strip clubs, the illegal ones that replace them are much worse.

  5. #80


    What are we talking about here? Could someone put up pictures?

  6. #81


    My boyfriend has lived down the block from the booby trap his whole life and some of the problems stemming from it include drunks barreling down his street day and night at 100 miles an hour, occasionally hitting and killing a child, and helping to spur a thriving drug corridor all the way down to seven mile.
    Those are all valid concerns. However, those are also things that can be tied to existing laws not being enforced. Drunk driving, speeding, drug trafficking, and such are all currently illegal.

    If the current legal strip clubs were replaced with illegally operating ones - and police continued to not enforce the various laws - does anyone really think that thing will get better?

  7. #82


    Quote Originally Posted by detroitsgwenivere View Post
    ...drunks barreling down his street day and night at 100 miles an hour, occasionally hitting and killing a child,
    That section of John R is crazy as far as speeders.
    I've used it a handful of times to avoid a traffic jam/acident on 75.
    I doubt it has much to do with the strip bars. As mentioned, the police need to start handing out tickets.
    Last edited by rjk; June-23-09 at 09:49 AM.

  8. #83


    That stretch of John R is terrible for a million reasons--heroin houses [[including where much of the fentanyl-laced product came from causing many deaths), filthy pirate hookers LEFT and RIGHT, perverts out hunting and bothering any female unfortunate enough to be in the area, and almost everyone in general driving as if there are no laws. I agree that it's more the general area than the strip clubs causing the mess. That being said, I wouldn't want a strip club next door to my house and kids. I know there are some "high class titty bars," but nasty bars like The Booby Trap and Centerfolds are filled with dirty girls who have issues and cocaine problems, and I'm sure that can be said for a lot of other places too.

  9. #84


    The essential problem with the idea that you can reduce whatever problems are associated with strip clubs by restricting the clubs is that we know perfectly God damned well that it doesn't work.

    I have an idea: let's restrict the right of people to purchase crack cocaine and crystal meth! Then all the problems associated with those drugs will go away. Also, if we set the legal drinking age really high, like 21, teenagers won't drink! I got those ideas while I was riding my unicorn through the land of Oz.

    Strip clubs are among the many things we have in our society that we might wish would go away, but they won't. If I was in Detroit city government they would not even be on the top 100 list of things I'm worried about.

  10. #85
    Bearinabox Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by professorscott View Post
    The essential problem with the idea that you can reduce whatever problems are associated with strip clubs by restricting the clubs is that we know perfectly God damned well that it doesn't work.

    I have an idea: let's restrict the right of people to purchase crack cocaine and crystal meth! Then all the problems associated with those drugs will go away. Also, if we set the legal drinking age really high, like 21, teenagers won't drink! I got those ideas while I was riding my unicorn through the land of Oz.

    Strip clubs are among the many things we have in our society that we might wish would go away, but they won't. If I was in Detroit city government they would not even be on the top 100 list of things I'm worried about.
    I'd vote for you.

  11. #86


    Strip clubs like prisons and a few other undesirable[[ to some) but legal industries bring out the NIMBY's en masse. Other cities and countries have red light districts. What would be wrong with having a certain area zoned [[ I don't mean all of 8 mile) for this industry and if residents are living near the zone at least they know what they are getting into. Don't legislate them out of business, all that will do is drive the industry underground creating more problems in the long term.

  12. #87


    ..."filthy pirate hookers LEFT and RIGHT..."

    What the hell is a pirate hooker?

  13. #88


    Quote Originally Posted by Lonyo exit View Post
    ..."filthy pirate hookers LEFT and RIGHT..."

    What the hell is a pirate hooker?
    ask Ron Burgundy.

    To put it another way--toothless, emaciated, dirty addicted whores looking to pillage your ass for $5 to take to the dope house.

  14. #89


    Quote Originally Posted by Bearinabox View Post
    I'd vote for you.
    Which is why I keep wanting to live in Detroit, but never can. Their citizens keep voting for people because their platform is that law enforcement is a burden that needs to be lessened. Then they become suprised that they have leaders that think laws are for suckers.

  15. #90


    Quote Originally Posted by jtf1972 View Post
    ...a purple building with a giant neon sign in the shape of tits.
    Now, I'd pay to see THAT, just standing outside and not even walking in the door.

  16. #91


    Quote Originally Posted by mjs View Post
    Which is why I keep wanting to live in Detroit, but never can. Their citizens keep voting for people because their platform is that law enforcement is a burden that needs to be lessened. Then they become suprised that they have leaders that think laws are for suckers.
    We need folks like you to come and live in Detroit and fight the good fight and make this a better city. We can't have the best and brightest desert the city. Thats whats been happening for the last 50 years. Yes, detroiters make voting mistakes from time to time but mostly for council. For the most part detroiters get it right for mayor. We are going to get a bunch of new council people to work with Mayor Bing, we are going to revise that charter, the school system will get better.

    And as soon as the strip clubs get the price of a lap dance down so that it reflects economic reality, we will have one more economic driver in the city.

  17. #92


    Quote Originally Posted by THE FURY 617 View Post
    New Strip Club Rules in Detroit!
    Damn! I thought this thread was going to be about a new strip club in Detroit that totally RULES!

  18. #93
    Sludgedaddy Guest


    Re-unite the legendary group,The Fugs,. put them before the Detroit City Council and have them pose their timeless question: "Do You Like Boobs Alot?"

  19. #94


    is there a line more cliched than a stripper stating, "i'm working my way through college?" that's just a feeble attempt to make the transaction seem somehow altruistic. ambitious "girls" can find a way to facilitate their aspirations without flinging off their bra and mashing their rosebuds into a horny businessman's face, and scrounging around on a beer-soaked floor to pick up the wadded-up dollars after their dance.

    i likewise have known a number of dancing girls. they were mainly alcoholics who loved cocaine and deluded themselves by thinking one day they would make something of themselves, while destroying their looks, their bodies, their innocence, and their world view. they separated themselves from their dreams by getting involved with a seedy crowd, damaging their reputations in the community, and collecting arrest records. the sad thing is, they were generally very intelligent and personable. they were also into escapism, just like their customers, and found themselves doing more and more things they swore they never would.
    i happen to know 3 girls who used to dance. one has an BA in management from Walsh college, one is finishing up her Radiology Technichian B.S. at Mercy college Toledo and one is Biologist [[Ohio State) who is currently looking for work. ALL of them danced to put themselves through school, and then QUIT. 2 of the 3 like to drink but no more than ANY OTHER 22-23 yr old, and one of them used to smoke weed, and has done coke among other drugs. when she was in HIGH SCHOOL, and not because she stripped...

    another stereotype that needs to be dispelled...

  20. #95
    Bearinabox Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by mjs View Post
    Which is why I keep wanting to live in Detroit, but never can. Their citizens keep voting for people because their platform is that law enforcement is a burden that needs to be lessened. Then they become suprised that they have leaders that think laws are for suckers.
    To clarify:
    1. I didn't just say that because of the post I quoted. Professorscott has been around here for a while, and I've found his posts about what our elected officials should be doing to be well-reasoned and articulate. I think we need more elected officials who have a clear, realistic idea about what should be done, not just idiot panderers who get elected on smiles and name recognition.

    2. I think you misinterpreted his post. I didn't get "law enforcement is a burden..." out of it at all.

  21. #96
    DetroitDad Guest


    Like most of the women I spoke with, Alicia wasn't willing to ask for financial aid or a place to crash from her family or friends. For her, it was a matter of pride, of independence, not to mention control. For them, slinging burgers at a fast food joint means you've really hit bottom, while sex work at least allows for the illusion of being in charge. Looking back, Alicia found that calculation didn't exactly compute: "Sometimes I'm like, Dude, why didn't you just get a job at McDonald's? It's a paycheck," she says, slipping into the second person. "But you were at a point in your life where you had zero money to put food on the table. You had to do what you had to do. It's a survival thing." Not to mention a money thing: When it comes to a paycheck, turning tricks trumps minimum wage.
    That's American capitalism baby! I'm always told on the Non Detroit forum that if I don't like it, I should leave....

  22. #97


    Thanks Bear. My post did not mean to imply that law enforcement is a "burden", though of course everyone is free to infer whatever they like from what I post. [[If you think "imply" and "infer" mean the same thing, please turn off your computer now and go do something less harmful.)

    My concern is that we tend to pay a lot of attention to activity that is marginally criminal at the expense of activity that is explicitly and unarguably criminal. You can find people who would argue that prostitution should be decriminalized, or marijuana possession. You won't find anybody who would argue that burglary or car theft or rape should be decriminalized.

    But when we instruct law enforcement to pay lots of attention to the marginal things [[or worse, things that border on marginal, like, oh, say, strip clubs), and you don't provide enough money for adequate law enforcement in the first place [[like, oh, say, in Detroit), then you don't have anybody left to enforce the unarguably criminal acts.

    In my days living inside the D, I saw many, many policemen going into taverns to make sure nothing illegal was going on. I never saw any policeman try to investigate either of the burglaries for which I was the victim, nor either of the two auto thefts. I didn't leave Detroit because of the strip club four blocks from my house [[which there was); I never entered it and didn't give an eighth of a running fuck about it. I left Detroit because of the uninvestigated burglaries and auto thefts; the idea that the police couldn't be bothered with the actual crimes that victimized me and my family, because they were staking out the topless bar to make sure nobody was getting too good of a lap dance.

    So I'm in favor of law enforcement, just let's be choosy how we spend our limited funds for it. Let's enforce the laws for which you or I might be an actual victim [[or in my case have been an actual victim) instead of trying to enforce some churchman's idea of morality on the rest of all of us. I don't go to strip clubs, but if you do, God bless you and have a great time. If you want to spark up a joint, enjoy the hell out of it. Those things don't have any impact on me at all, and it's not my business to tell you what to do for fun. I'm drinking a Labatt's Blue, and if you don't like that, I don't care.

    The Prof, as you can see, has a mean Libertarian streak, a trait you don't find much in academia. [[But voted for Mr. Obama, so is not pure Libertarian.)

  23. #98


    Amen brother.

  24. #99
    Toolbox Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by jtf1972 View Post
    a purple building with a giant neon sign in the shape of tits.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fury13 View Post
    Now, I'd pay to see THAT, just standing outside and not even walking in the door.
    This work for you Fury?

    It's not purple but does have neon tits.

  25. #100


    Quote Originally Posted by Bearinabox View Post
    To clarify:
    1. I didn't just say that because of the post I quoted. Professorscott has been around here for a while, and I've found his posts about what our elected officials should be doing to be well-reasoned and articulate.
    Then I apologize. I thought it was based on just that post.

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