Rob Parker- journalist? Fat chance. The man had absolutely no right nor tact in questioning RG3's "blackness". Talk about blatant race baiting. Count this and other numerous instances where he speaks with his mouth and ends up apologizing his ass off later. What about his Rod Marinelli/ son-in-law flub? What about the outright lie about Kirk Cousins supposedly involved in a fight in East Lansing? How about calling Hank Aaron a coward? ANd let's not forget his other blatant racist remark about college players Tyler Hansbrough and Kevin Love failing in the NBA, because they are white.

If the man had any tact, sensibility, class or journalistic integrity- he wouldn't have to apologize so many many times. Just report the news and quit trying to be the news. One can still discuss race issues and other things within sports without being such a smarmy wise ass.

Anyone remember Terry Bradshaw once saying "You know, Rob, you're an idiot. You're just a flat idiot."? I agree with him 110% and if I never saw or heard his whiny ass on radio/ TV [[local or national) again I'd be more than fine with it. The majority of the man's opinions are moronic and without any merit.