Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
"The top brass at the Detroit Police Department said they were unaware of the scrapping until contacted by the Motor City Muckraker on Monday.

Did you seriously say the police had no idea there was scrapping going on until YOU brought it to their attention, and then within a half-hour of YOUR call started issuing tickets? Sorry, but no.
Didn't you just say the owner himself has called the police over the scrapping taking place?


You raise some very valid points about his writing, BB, but by the same token, maybe you ought to proof read your rants. Just sayin'....

I also disagree. Judging from this writing, I highly doubt this is true. I could just as easily start a website and make up these sort of claims. Apparently someone out there will defend me.

No, I strongly don't believe the police SAID they were unaware of the scrapping. The scrapping has been going on for many years, with actual real media outlets reporting about it. I also don't believe within a half-hour of HIS call, they immediately began issuing tickets to scrappers. Several things seem off, including:
- He called the police while trespassing to report scrapping [[which has been going on for over a decade), then sat around for exactly one half-hour to watch scrappers get ticketed?
- Scrapping is an arrestable offense, is it not? Isn't that the same thing as larceny? If an officer rolls up and you have a truck full of stolen goods, when did they start simply issuing tickets?
- Why are people in trucks rolling up immediately after others have been "ticketed" to fill up their trucks with scraps left behind from the heavy machinery to take down to the scrapyard? Where did the police go?
- What did the police do about these heavy duty machines that are left in vacant lots nearby?
- He says he spent 4 months "monitoring and interviewing" this entire illegal operation. I also don't believe this. He offers no proof of this other than a few vague quotes from some people who may or may not even exist. He offers little or no insight as to whether or not these same people belong to this illegal operation [[that is apparently granting media access and interviews...)