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Thread: GoLeft TV

  1. #276

    Default Cheney's Bunker Mentality

    Dick Cheney likes to talk a tough game, but when he actually had the chance to walk the walk on 9/11, he hid in a secret underground bunker for days. But that's just the beginning of the story. Rather than being locked in his secret bunker with military strategists and advisers, or even counter-terrorism experts, the former vice president locked himself away with a group of GOP political hacks who know nothing about keeping America safe. Mike Papantonio of Air America's Ring of Fire talks with Mother Jones' Washington Bureau chief James Ridgeway about what Dick Cheney did in his secret bunker surrounded by GOP operatives.
    Cheney's Bunker Mentality
    Last edited by Jimaz; July-03-09 at 10:21 PM.

  2. #277

    Default Headzup: Glenn Beck Compares Self To MLK & Ganhdi

    Talking about Frank Rich's New York Time piece on Twitter, Glenn Beck compares himself and Bill O'Reilly to Martin Luther King, Jr. and Gandhi... or as he wrote Ghandi.
    Last edited by Jimaz; July-03-09 at 10:31 PM.

  3. #278

    Default Rumsfeld Fails the History Test

    Total duration 17 minutes:
    Donald Rumsfeld, and many other members of the former Bush Administration, have always said that history will judge them kindly. Unfortunately for Rumsfeld, his former colleagues in Washington aren't coming around, and a recent article in GQ Magazine tells us exactly what his coworkers really thought about him, and the way that he handled his position as Secretary of Defense. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. of Air America's Ring of Fire talks about this with author and GQ columnist Robert Draper.
    Last edited by Jimaz; July-03-09 at 10:31 PM.

  4. #279
    ccbatson Guest


    Aww, they didn't like the guy...so sad, did their feelings get hurt?

  5. #280

    Default Headzup: Barack Obama And Pat Robertson VS. Gay Marriage

    President Obama is asked about how his Department of Justice filed a briefing fighting for the Defense of Marriage Act in which they compared gay marriage to incest and pedophilia.
    Last edited by Jimaz; July-03-09 at 10:31 PM.

  6. #281
    ccbatson Guest


    Wasn't a certain beauty pagent winner removed from office for suggesting that she didn't personally agree with gay marriage? Do you think the same will happen to Obama?

  7. #282
    Lorax Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by ccbatson View Post
    Wasn't a certain beauty pagent winner removed from office for suggesting that she didn't personally agree with gay marriage? Do you think the same will happen to Obama?
    No, wrong again. The bubbleheaded Ms. Carrie Prejean was dethroned due to not showing up for work on time.

    Her implants were lifting her off the ground, bringing her closer to god, thus keeping her from watching boys kiss.

  8. #283

    Default The True Cost of Chevron

    Total duration 17 minutes:

    The True Cost of Chevron

    Two weeks ago, Chevron convened their yearly meeting of shareholders, where they discussed their record-breaking profits from 2008, and the future of their cash-flush company. But some of the things that weren't talked about in that meeting include the company's support of murderous dictators in Nigeria and Burma, their push for increased drilling off America's coastlines, and their lobbying efforts to get the government to approve more of their coal processing plants. Mike Papantonio of Air America's Ring of Fire talks about the real history of Chevron - the truth that the company doesn't want its shareholders to know about - with Antonia Juhasz, author of the book "The Tyranny of Oil."

    The Tyranny of Oil, a book review by The Christian Science Monitor
    Last edited by Jimaz; July-03-09 at 10:31 PM.

  9. #284

    Default Losing Privacy in an Online World

    Total duration 15 minutes:
    Attachment 1828
    Losing Privacy in an Online World
    Without even realizing it, Americans give away their personal information on a daily basis. Through social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace, to simple online surveys that they fill out -- they are giving their information out to the whole world. The potential for this private information to make it into the hands of someone who has bad intentions is huge, and that’s why in our digital age, it has become so important to educate yourself and to be aware of what you’re saying, and who you’re saying it to. Mike Papantonio of Air America's Ring of Fire talks about the dangerous potential for privacy violations lurking around the Internet with Jon Mills, author of the book "Privacy: The Lost Right."
    Snopes article about Zabasearch
    Last edited by Jimaz; July-03-09 at 10:31 PM.

  10. #285


    Quote Originally Posted by ccbatson View Post
    Aww, they didn't like the guy...so sad, did their feelings get hurt?

    that makes no sense in this context.

    Rummy was an unmitigated disaster --

  11. #286
    ccbatson Guest


    Lorax...the lawsuit will prove that no such tardiness occurred and that this was a targeted firing for the reasons I suggested.

    Rb, it makes perfect sense in response to a weak story about how some left biased folks that worked with Rumsfeld didn't like him...big shock.

  12. #287

    Default Christian Majority Losing Steam

    Ever since Karl Rove made his unholy Republican alliance with the Religious Right, Christianity has been suffering from a severe decline. It doesn't help when you have people like Pat Robertson and the late Jerry Falwell who made their careers by selling a hateful version of religion that abandoned all of the principles which Jesus taught. Mike Papantonio discusses these and other reasons that have contributed to the decline of American Christianity.
    Last edited by Jimaz; July-03-09 at 10:31 PM.

  13. #288
    ccbatson Guest


    "Severe decline" by what and whose measure?

    And who is to say that Rove had thing one to do with whatever is going on in terms of religious affiliations and membership?

  14. #289

    Default The GOP Jihad

    Total duration 28 minutes:

    The GOP Jihad
    The departure of Arlen Specter from the Republican Party had less to do with personal beliefs than it did with preserving his political career. But his departure wasn't a decision that he freely made - Specter was basically forced to abandon his party. This is part of a larger plan by GOP faithfuls like Newt Gingrich and Grover Norquist to rid their party of any independent thinkers. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. of Air America's Ring of Fire talks about this issue with Tim Dickinson, political correspondent for Rolling Stone magazine.
    Rolling Stone's The GOP Jihad
    Last edited by Jimaz; July-03-09 at 10:31 PM.

  15. #290
    ccbatson Guest


    Spector was forced? He betrayed his voting base and recognized that he would surely lose amongst them in an upcoming reelection bid...how is that being forced?

  16. #291

    Default White Noise - The Inmates : A Soap Made In USA

    A TRAGIC COMEDY & ALLEGORY Dark humor is the politeness of despair said the optimist...
    While homegrown terrorists are abusing women’s rights and murdering their doctors; Uncle Sam is supposedly bringing democracy to the world and saving the fair sex from the hands of obscurantism & repression.

    From Child Chewing Monsters to Child Raping Monsters : DEVOLUTION ANYONE?

    Even more surrealist... While they couldn’t even detect election fraud in their own backyard they sermon & pontificate Iran about it all !!!!

    Robert F Kennedy Jr., Jesse Jackson and Greg Palast Team Up for Election Integrity

    Are we as confused as we are terrorized? Latino KKK, peacenik Zionists, cultural civil war, false flag opinions, crack/meth schizoids, reptilian masters... Now what? Executive branch traitors parading their devolution rationalizations on TV?


    Remember... Capitalism is the exploitation of men by men. Socialism is the opposite!

    AL-LE-GO-RY [[nothing to do with Al Gore btw;) noun, plural -ries. 1.a representation of an abstract or spiritual meaning through concrete or material forms; figurative treatment of one subject under the guise of another.
    Greek philosopher Plato in his work "The Republic" uses the ‘Allegory of the Cave’ to illustrate how humans can be imprisoned by what they perceive and how shadows on the wall’s cave replaces reality. Imagine coming out to the light and seeing reality. In other words, embraced education & philosophy and become enlightened by it!
    Since our whole culture is organized around wealthy people who keep poor people poor, uneducated, and powerless; is ignorance the downfall of all cultures, have we hit bottom, are we returning to the cave?

    "America is the first empire to go from barbarity to decadence without going through civilization" - Oscar Wilde


    Hence this little comedy ditty, designed to illustrate our shortcomings when, as ghoulish & former FBI emperor J. Edgar Hoover said... "The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists." Edgar should know for he was one sick sad fuck with more murderous, racist & mob skeletons in his closet than anyone in America’s history. Strangely enough he is still considered a hero by the institutions and most people.

    Is information power or ignorance bliss ? Spot the loony!

    Why would one prohibit black slaves to learn how to read? Is the dumbing down of America irreversible? Why did arm dealers & war profiteering corporations bought up so many media outlets? Why is thinly veiled pro-war propaganda spewed upon us 24-7 by the mighty Wurlitzer ?
    Because "We The Insects" matter?


    Nope, its just easier to abuse an illiterate bunch than an educated & informed citizenry.
    "It's not a matter of what is true that counts but a matter of what is perceived to be true." - Henry Kissinger
    As the human batteries in ‘The Matrix’ movie; are we but inmates of big media’s storyline,itself designed to tenderize us all into shopping to death and escape our frightful & increasingly clueless existence?


    Complacency & systematic pandering to crass intellects are dropping our collective narrative bellow a high-school mental age level indeed!

    Last edited by Jimaz; July-03-09 at 10:31 PM.

  17. #292
    ccbatson Guest


    Did anyone notice the rabid pitch for socialism in that last post?

  18. #293

    Default Ring of Fire's Weekly News June 20th 2009

    Total duration 30 minutes:

    Ring of Fire's Weekly News June 20th 2009

    Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Mike Papantonio discuss some of the biggest news stories of the past week that the traditional, corporate-controlled media didn't feel like reporting. Included in this week's segment is the new report detailing the already devastating effects of global warming, as well as the dangers associated with plastic drinking bottles.
    Associated Press To Syndicate Investigative Journalism
    [China has] the highest automobile ... fuel efficiency standards in the world. We can't sell United States automobiles in China because their fuel efficiency standards are so high.
    Last edited by Jimaz; July-03-09 at 10:31 PM.

  19. #294
    Lorax Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by ccbatson View Post
    Lorax...the lawsuit will prove that no such tardiness occurred and that this was a targeted firing for the reasons I suggested.
    Really? You have some information you'd like to share with us?

    Perhaps you also know where Jimmy Hoffa is?

    I didn't realize Nostradamus had a PC.

  20. #295
    Lorax Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by ccbatson View Post
    Did anyone notice the rabid pitch for socialism in that last post?
    Any pitch for socialism without being rabid, is certainly not worth having!

    Bring on the socialized state! Viva le France!

  21. #296
    ccbatson Guest


    The person in question has disclosed that she has sought legal council and that legal action is likely [[she announced it on Sean Hannity's show the week after she was let go).

  22. #297

    Default The Rise of Right Wing Hate

    Total duration 17 minutes:
    The Rise of Right Wing Hate

    Since 9/11, the right wing hate talkers have stepped up their vitriolic attacks against anyone who doesn't agree with them or doesn't look like them. Through their demonization of liberals, Muslims, Hispanics, and gays, they've opened the door to a new era of intolerance and hate in this country. And with that hate has come an increasing number of politically-based murders - murders which are becoming so frequent this year, that we haven't gone a solid month without some right wing nutjob pulling out a gun and killing people who didn't agree with their beliefs. Mike Papantonio of Air America's Ring of Fire talks about this new era of Right Wing hate with David Neiwert, author of the new book "The Eliminationists: How Hate Talk Radicalized the American Right."

    Last edited by Jimaz; July-03-09 at 10:31 PM.

  23. #298

    Default Sanford Found!

    South Carolina governor, and former 2012 GOP presidential hopeful, Mark Sanford has been found! He had not been hiking in the mountains as his staff had originally said, but instead had apparently been working through a few personal issues off the coast of Argentina. And by "personal issues," we mean "having an affair with a woman from Argentina." So not only has he just Eliot Spitzer-ed his career, but he also lost the title of World Hide-n-Seek champion by giving up his location. With leaders like this, no wonder the GOP is in such dissarray.

    And for your entertainment, check out this music video about political sex scandals!

    Last edited by Jimaz; July-03-09 at 10:31 PM.

  24. #299
    Lorax Guest


    So far I'm only hearing crickets from the Rethugnican Reich on the Sanford & Hun story.

  25. #300

    Default Mark Sanford: The Musical - Don't Cry For Me Right Wing Media

    Mark Sanford: The Musical - Don't Cry For Me Right Wing Media
    As you most likely have heard, South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford has reappeared after being "missing" for several days. And his return did not disappoint.

    Not only did Sanford admit that he was secretly in Argentina, and that he has been cheating on his wife with a woman from Argentina, he did it in song!

    Take a look:
    Attachment 2021
    Mark Sanford: The Musical - Don't Cry For Me Right Wing Media

    I wonder if Sanford will sing another song about using taxpayer money to fly to see his mistress? Especially after trying to refuse federal funds to help the unemployed?

    Perhaps a toe-tapper about when he demanded Bill Clinton's resignation for his affair?

    Also, a good deal of commentators, including Chris Matthews and Rush Limbaugh, have been commending Sanford for not forcing his wife to stand next to him at the press conference. Are we sure he didn't ask? She did kick him out two weeks ago. Isn't it just as likely that he asked and she said no? And if she did, good for her.

    Rush, clearly heartbroken, also said Sanford could've been the GOP's JFK. If you say so, Rush.

    One things for sure, Mark Sanford's song and dance routine is just getting started.

    Last edited by Jimaz; July-03-09 at 10:31 PM.

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