^^Thats one of many reasons why I went for a Northstar, slightly used. I knew the days of affordably purchasing a V8 were soon to be long gone. Performance tends to be sacrificed for higher mileage.

I was thisclose to buying the Camero SS instead of the Caddy, back in 09' right after they were redesigned. Then I went to the Autoshow and fell in love with the Challenger, which had more power and way more room for Amazons like me. But 41k fully loaded...

My dad talked me out of it, by telling me what his dad told him...

"When you look at the parking lots at these autoplants, what are those car guys driving? Buicks, Lincolns, Cadillacs, right? Thats because those are poorman's cars. They're built to last when you take care of them, and they'll last you the rest of your life depending. Now those flashy sports cars? Those are richman's cars, cuz you'd have to be rich to afford to keep fixin those high performing pieces of shit."

Amen Grampa.