Quote Originally Posted by Detroitnerd View Post
Voter rolls are already checked to ensure that nobody who can't legally vote is registered.
Then what happens? Are they purged from the rolls? I've never heard of that happening. Doesn't mean that it hasn't, but I've never seen evidence.

A good percentage of hard-working American voters simply do not have ID. Due to accidents, disasters, difficulty coming up with the money and means to obtain ID all contribute to this.
I don't think you should have to show ID at the polling place to vote, but still, the above argument is nonsense. A state ID card costs $10. If you are on welfare the fee is waived. You can show nearly any kind of document with your name and an address for proof of residency. I knew an "undocumented worker" who got a driver's license with a cable TV bill for proof of residency. He could have registered to vote, too, but didn't.

It's a way to ensure poor people are not represented because the most vulnerable will not be able to vote.
Perhaps it is. I still don't hear an convincing argument as to why a "Are you a citizen" checkbox is keeping legitimate voters from voting. I'll buy the argument that it shouldn't be on there because the SoS overstepped her authority [[according to the articles I've read it depends on your interpretation of the powers of the SoS) But calling it a Machiavellian scheme to prevent people from voting seems hyperbolic to say the least.