Quote Originally Posted by gnome View Post
Jeeze Richard, will you please read the original agreement between Canada and Michigan. It is all spelled out. Black and white. Clear as crystal.

But Richard brings up a valid issue. Some people won't read. Some people refuse to believe what they read.

I have a neighbor, I have spoken with him about the NITC, and I have laid out all the facts for his consideration. He responded by saying, "that looks real good, how did all those treaties work out for the Indians."

Meaning, anything read is not to be believed, the government will lie about everything, every time. The government is untrustworthy, the government is to be feared and not to be believed.

I hear those themes repeatedly on this Board. Color me a believer that we the people are the government and if we don't trust we, we got problems.
LOL I can read okay but also when I read I look at long term growth and how a decision made today will affect the city and surrounding suburbs in the long term.

I read that the main play is based on the evil private enterprise and greed and using that emotion as a tool.

I read that the big three are heavy supporters as this will improve their delivery of products saving them time and money ,but somehow I find it hard for what ever reasons find to believe that those savings will be passed on in either increased wages or in the selling of a reduced priced automobile.So there is maybe a little greed factor in there. also.

I read that no other movers or shakers have come out and had any opinion on the matter.Other then the ones that will profit from it.

I read that one side wants the bridge built because it is destroying a neighborhood,forget about that that was a known effect of what would happen on the passing of NAFTA now it is an issue,but it is not an issue to wipe out a neighborhood on this side because it was a dump anyways right.

I read that transportation funds will become available that can be used for any purpose,so what are they going to be used for? Maybe to help fund a regional mass transit? I doubt it.

To me the bridge is mott it is in the limelight as a here and now today aspect without looking at the long term impacts,yes if you look just at the bridge it seems like a good deal and hard to pass up but one also needs to remember that there are others that see this as another link in a chain of events.It is important to also read about those events and look at the big picture to make a decision on if you are really comfortable with that decision.