“Most of what gets wrote on are abandoned burnt out or neglected shells of buildings.

Then you either don’t get around Detroit much or have no idea what “For Sale” means. What gives them the right? Detroit is a hard enough sell as it is. These vandals are doing nothing more than further reducing the value of the property and creating more blight in these neighborhoods. It also sends a “no one cares” message inviting scrappers, squatters and the like. I even see businesses where owners that paint their buildings and keep up their properties, get consistently tagged beyond belief. How long before they give up and move on? I have yet to hear of one instance where a viable business moves in because of the “wonderful graffiti” on the building walls. It only adds extra cost to have this crap removed. If these vandals want to do “art”, great! Buy some canvas or plywood and have @ it. Put it up for sale, turn a profit, contribute, instead of defacing. Tell you what, let me know where you live or park your car. When I see either’s “unoccupied” I’ll put some nice artwork on it for you, N/C!

“If you dont like it ignore it.”

Give me a break……..