Quote Originally Posted by Gannon View Post
They are your empire's gladiators...every one has 'em to distract the populace. Bread and Circuses...can't have the governed notice how their governors are misbehaving.
Absolutely although I think that their power may soon be broken. The politicians will ultimately sacrifice the footballers to save their own skins and the players will just have to 'get by' on maybe $50,000 a week. Who knows? I was asked this morning how much money I think the government should take away from poor and disabled people to help pay off our national debt. I said 'nothing' I also told the questioner [[from the local authority) that if they ever asked me about my race, religion or sexual orientation again, I would scream and run mad. I won't even answer those questions at hospital much less from a load of officials from the council. What business is it of theirs?