Quote Originally Posted by 313WX View Post
I'm not saying he was THE reason why.

But that was the perspective people had under his tenure. When they think back to how rough the 1970s and 1980s were in the city, the first person that comes to mind is Coleman Young. His outspoken voice for social justice didn't help things either.

I don't think Coleman Young was a bad mayor either personally.
Even if that's true, I don't think it's helpful to pander to people with such misguided opinions. If they aren't intelligent enough to understand that CAY is not the single reason Detroit imploded then 1) why even give a crap about their opinion since they are clearly unreasonable, and more importantly 2) why are we talking about tearing down buildings so that some hypothetical idiot from the suburbs, with such a shallow understanding of history, can park his car closer to the Guardian Building?