I grew up between Warren and Forest and always liked the idea of the two being pairs of one way streets. Crossing each street as a kid was made much easier by the fact that you didn't have to worry about traffic coming at you in both directions. More stop signs or traffic lights would have to go up on these streets if they were ever made two-ways again. That would slow traffic down, but discourage many drivers like myself who like driving down one-ways to avoid the congestion of two-ways. In my old neighborhood in the past and now, Forest, Warren, Charlevoix, and Vernor are one way streets that eastsiders use to avoid all the traffic lights on streets like Gratiot, Mack, Kercheval, and Jefferson.

The parts of Warren that are one way probably should become two-way in order to align it with the rest of the parts of Warren that are two-way. Even Forest would be fine as a two-way. However, I could never see Charlevoix and Vernor as two-way streets. It just would feel strange.