Quote Originally Posted by illwill View Post

If you wanted to promote your shoot then you should havedone just that. I think you would have received a much more receptive responseif you came at people upfront instead of using the caddy as an excuse forpeople to see your work. Because that's exactly what you wanted. I don't thinkyou should attempt to play people as naive, people saw right through your post.

Detroiters are supportive of their own but next time just be candid aboutyour post.

First lets cut to the chase: I had zero interest in promoting my work- The first photos I posted were of the car, and one of the sidewalk next to the car w/ graffiti. I wanted to do more shots of the car, in the future in the area that was the reason I was interested. [[I did in fact get in touch with the owner). I like it as history buff, as it was probably built at the Cadillac Clark Ave Assy plant not far from where the photo was taken. I am funny about working around peoples property, so I wanted to contact them, explain the situation. Work out an arraignment, out of courtesy. I guess I am old fashioned.

One person asked about the graffiti. The naive part of me was to post more of the images with graffiti with others from the shoot, thinking people might want to actually see more form the area. It was after all a fun project in a neat location. And hey it was ironic to see a car built almost 40 years ago roll off the line a few blocks away. That person asking, may have wanted to see the graffiti themselves, which was remarkable. I thought I would tell them exactly where it was, in the spirit of sharing. And not tell them, "Go find it yourself".

I have been a member on these boards for >6 years, and only posted 1,[[ONE) other photo on these boards, prior to this. Promoting my work? Not here, fortunately that is what magazine and book editors do for my work. I come here for information and spirit of community. But I apparently wandered into dangerous territory.

My problem with people on here, is a lot of threads often degenerate into a game of one-upmanship of who can come up even more snide remarks, to the point they become mean. Like the usual post here when a crime is reported, then the blame the victim post often happens within a few minutes. Causing me to question what the hell is wrong with people here: is it not OK to enjoy living, working and recreating, share with others what we do without pissing peoples cornflakes?

Sorry to burst all of your bubbles- there was not any agenda other than asking about the car, another poster asked about the graffiti, I posted a few more photos, then we were off to the races. My mistake, I'll make sure to share my work elsewhere with people who like it, or enjoy it, without the ranker that photographers shoots abandon things here [[duh), and don't feel the need to make pissy remarks that add zero value to the conversation. To quote Sigmund Freud "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." Have a wonderful day fellow Detroiters.....