Yes, things were going into the deep weeds relative to responses. Careless news reporting did not help.

Quote Originally Posted by Locke09 View Post
No one has a clue who did this, or where they hailed from, or whether they were boys, girls, men or women. There are lots of visitors on the island this weekend.

Unfortunately, my dismay at people advocating killing a human being over tilapia and catfish [[which many of us eat by the way) has now overshadowed my initial dismay over who would commit such a depraved act.

And its not an all time low. Peruse the news for the past few weeks and tell me this even comes close to cannibalism, infanticide, killing family with a baseball bat, and any of a number of atrocities committed by man against man.

I wish human beings could learn to control both their violent depraved behavior and their violent and depraved responses to violent and depraved behavior.