Quote Originally Posted by BitterAndCynical View Post
Zimmerman was unstable and couldn't mind his own business. Martin was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Stop playing the goddamn race card where it doesn't belong.
WOW. I cant believe its really people out here like you. Naaaw I take that back we are in America. "race card" seriously. NEWSFLASH: there would be no need for a "race card" if you assholes wasnt so damn racist. Everytime a Black man in victimized because of his race and we call it out YALL call it "pulling out the race card" well if yall didnt pull out the RACISM it wouldnt be a need for the "card". I like how YALL came up w/ that term to make yourselves feel better about being racist peckerwoods. So everytime yall pull some bullshit and we complain about it WE "pulling out the race card" WOW.