To put the thread title in context, Commissioner Potts is arguing that high gas prices will force Southeastern Michigan to invest more in transit, and thus focus development in existing areas vis-a-vis continuing to sprawl ever-outward. That is the "improvement in the economy" of which he spoke.

County Commissioner Potts says things that would get him thrown out of office at any level higher than county government. He welcomes high gas prices. He believes that over time, they could make Michigan richer. They will force us to change our priorities.
“We don’t have European style $15 dollar gas. But we’re headed there,” Potts said. And then he argued that public investment in automobiles has made people poorer. Mass transit is a wiser investment.
“For a long time the mantra in Oakland County was we are the richest county in the country. What is it now? 61st. The wealth has left us. It left with the children. It left with people moving to Florida. These magnet issues become pocketbook issues.”