I just reread my post , I SHOULD HAVE SAID VOTED Kwame in twice and if he ran again would probably vote him back into office[[sad) . It was early in the AM and I was headed out of the door and wanted to get my point across :-).
There's not a lot of wiggle room for Detroit and the options or VERY limited and EVERYBODY knows this. This is why I brought up the analogy of Greece/Germany, Detroit/State.
Are the people of Greece living better ? will the Citizens of Detroit live better? its a lesser of 2 evils ,well all I can say is the days of outside the means of the city are over . Its a simple fact, the numbers and math doesn't add up and every person involved ,knows this and has been saying for months .
We are in BIG trouble, and just how big is FINALLY being put out their for the whole world to see and it's tough, everyone will respect the city and everyone involved ,if we address and start REALLY working at serious cuts, not low hanging fruit , we have to climb a little higher in the tree now !

Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
Hah! I was almost laughing when Bing was cursing and making his pronouncements. It felt like grand standing - so fake. Afterall, he will be long gone out of Detroit after all of this - whichever way things bow.