Quote Originally Posted by swingline View Post
Not sure what the real story is with the gas station altercation. But the likelihood that the deceased, Mr. Haynes, was a complete innocent victim is pretty low. He was already a two-strike felon at age 24 with separate penitentiary visits for home invasion and cocaine possession. At 6'4", 260 lbs and with a proven disinclination to lead a law abiding lifestyle, he was probably used to imposing his will on people and situations. Hence, the property destruction at the gas station in response to a disagreement over less than $5. He also clearly had his rehabilitation on the right track given the choirboys he was associating with who transported him to Sinai Grace, where it took them all of a couple of minutes to threaten security with violence and get involved in an altercation. I for one am tired of hospital security constantly going out of their way to assault ER visitors for no reason.

Mr. Haynes didn't deserve a fatal bullet. But his life was on an all too familiar trajectory of hustlin', violence and crime. What are the odds that a 24 yr old two-time felon with anger issues would not generate anymore crime victims of his own over the next decade. Not sure what the appropriate sentiment should be when such a player meets a violent end.

But Mr. Haynes' Mom loved him, just like most felon's Moms do, and now she's going to get paid. This thing is fucked up on lots of levels.
Well said ! , I couldn't have said it better myself. It's sad that this happens way too often in the city of Detroit .Yet another young black man dead. too much ego, attitude and not enough discipline or patience. this is what you get .