Quote Originally Posted by casscorridor View Post
Astro = Elitist coffee. Not having wireless is just one example, they also have one "community" table and a few tiny tables, so no where to sit even if you wanted to! And everyone in there seems to be friends, so you'd be interrupting in their scene time. Plus, its four dollars for a tiny cup of coffee that takes forever to make. Might be a good concept in a coffee rich city such as San Francisco, but not Detroit.
Calling Astro elitist coffee is like calling Buddy's elitist pizza. As far as it not being a good concept for Detroit, they are thriving. If what you want is low quality coffee at a cheap price ar a hot n ready, there are plenty of options. If you want the best coffee there is and are willing to pay a little extra and have the patience to wait for it then Astro fits the bill. Lots of laptops in use there picking up the wireless from Slows.