"I'm surprised that Lowell allows someone to use a trademarked word for their username. Since the holder of that trademark appears to also be the the person who is posting under that username and has been pedalling his legal product for some time now, shouldn't his posts belong in the "Free Ads" section of the forum?"

That's what I don't understand. I pointed this out more than a few pages back; Lowell even made an appearance on this thread when this guy got really loose when folks [[like me) we basically telling him that his "concept" sucked, and get lost. Lowell just basically said "Hey, keep it cool." and let this dood continue to flail and shake this bullshit around. I'm sure this guy is hoping that someone from the City thinks this is a great idea and try to implement it; giving this DB some cash and fleecing the DIA's collection as a by product.

I've seen and heard DBs like this in the galleries and art world before; it's nothing new. Someone is always trying to capitalize on situations like this; the art world is no different. After I had a chat with some little birdies from C-Town; I decided not to waste my time with this DB and hoped that Lowell would eventually show this DB's ass the door.

Still waiting ...