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  1. #51


    Quote Originally Posted by Occurrence View Post
    Isn't he one of the nut jobs who claimed he saw "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq?
    Yep. On June 21, 2006, Rick Santorum and Pete Hoekstra held a press conference to announce that "we have found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq"

    This is just one of many times he has made outlandish statements. Hoekstra is a total embarrassment to Michigan.

  2. #52


    I wonder how/ who the actor felt doing agreeing to do this spot? I understand from a brief news blurb that she is from California not China. Any more info on this....?
    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    This was one of the most offensive things I have seen. A gong, rice paddies, and pidgin English.

  3. #53


    Stabenow still needs to go, but not replaced by this man...
    Quote Originally Posted by mwilbert View Post
    Someone who really believes that Hoekstra would be a better Senator than Stabenow [[or who is convinced that it would be better to have the Republicans in control of the Senate than the Democrats) should still vote for Hoekstra irrespective of this advertisement.

  4. #54


    Good point! Asian stereotypes indeed. Some make no differentiation between Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Korean north or south etc... that kind of thing is furthered by this kind of portrayal... especially the stereotypical speaking of the woman.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bagley View Post
    The problem is that instead of just saying what he meant, he used nearly every stereotype of Asia and all things oriental to imply his meaning....

  5. #55


    Yes, her speaking was obviously phoney... so fake... I hope she was well compensated, but all money is not good money!
    Quote Originally Posted by gazhekwe View Post
    I got that Pete is afraid our rice growing jobs will go to China, where all they do is grow rice. Rice, coolie hat, nice scene reminiscent of old Chinese art in the background, Huh? What does a rice worker have to do with taking our jobs? Plus it seemed pretty clear the actress spoke excellent English, but was putting on that she couldn't, so that pidgin bit was part of the script.

  6. #56


    The ad was filmed in California with an American actress. The best comment I read was that Pete is trying to convince you how frugal he is while he wastes a gob of money on this trash.

  7. #57


    Ummm, I am an independent in many of my voting responses [[and I've voted both dem and repub per policy, per the candidate). I'm not bought lock stock 100% by the dems or the repubs... yet I find the ad in very poor taste. And not compelling to engage people to look at the problem of US job erosion. As someone else here noted he could have articulated his points rather than use the bozo name twisting and a base, overtly fake, 'gong-gook-ting-ping' style like this with this Asian woman!

    Hoekstra has made a 'straw man' of his own argument! ANY LEGITIMACY of his point can now be knocked down withstanding ANY relevancy he may have wanted to convey..... or opinions he wanted to sway.
    Quote Originally Posted by coracle View Post
    Wow! what a fabulous on the nose ad. It obviously works because all the looney left have bit the bait and called it racist which is their default position on anything that illustrates their failures. None of them would ever vote for him anyway so who gives a shit for their opposing opinions? Let them bleat.
    Last edited by Zacha341; February-07-12 at 07:48 AM.

  8. #58


    Yes, that was an annoying factor too. I guess he was not alone. Malroun was spend-gally too with his super bowl ad..........
    Quote Originally Posted by sycloneman View Post
    All assumptions. Actually what should make you more upset is that he spent that much money for an ad during the SUPER BOWL!!!! If you think about it that way HE is actually the "spenditnow"

  9. #59


    Gosh, it's so much more complicated than the ad would have us believe. And we probably know that, but the ad probably gets us going, whether in a postiive or negative sense. I'm not just observing - it got me going, too! I think the ad is an overall negative for Hoekstra, with the exception that he gets himself talked about. Simply put, the U.S. does not have the manufacturing capability that the Chinese now have for a number of products [[electronics is the prime example), because of our ongoing outsourcing to low wage countries such as [[drum roll...) China. We simply don't have the manufacturing infrastructure to do what the Chinese are doing now. I think Hoekstra is a good representative for his W. Michigan contituency but he might be too regional. My one complaint about him is that on election to the U.S. House he promised to term-limit himself but then chose to continue running for re-election, so he does not appear to be a paragon of principle. I don't buy into term limits but I think elected officials who do need to practice what they preach. As far as this ad goes, the more Hoekstra and his campaign can get people to talk about it, the more attention they get for Hoekstra as a candidate. But if he wants to be a serious contender he needs to follow up quicly with something more substantial.

    As an aside, I though the Mitch Daniels comment [[State of the Union Republican response) on Steve Jobs that his name was so appropriate [[you know, "Jobs") was unintentionally ironic. Sure, Apple has created millions of jobs, but they are for the most part in Asia. Apple does no significant manufacturing in the U.S., at least, not in terms of employment, and they are nowhere near the top in terms of number of U.S. employees. Apple has some great engineering jobs in the U.S., but not in high numbers - maybe 35,000-50,000 or so total U.S. employment. I'm not saying this is good or bad, but it just is.

  10. #60


    Quote Originally Posted by Novine View Post
    The ad was filmed in California with an American actress. The best comment I read was that Pete is trying to convince you how frugal he is while he wastes a gob of money on this trash.
    Oh great, now he's outsourcing his productions to California. You're telling me he couldn't have shot this rubbish here in Michigan?

    But beyond where he shot it what bothers me about these sorts of ads are that the candidates obvious attempt to butcher the opponents' names. Why couldn't he just stick to calling his opponent by her given name? Why call her "Spend-It-Now"? That not just sounds so totally disrespectful but also sounds like something that's uttered at an elementary school playground. It's childish at best and really shows the mentality, maturity and intellect of the person approving the ads.

    Define what one stands for. Don't even mention the opponent as far as I'm concerned. Kiss some babies, promise a chicken in every pot but don't even mention your opponent. Smearing one's opponent is just never a way to go. I know it's effective at times but sometimes I wish there was some legislation where one can't mention what the other camp is doing or not doing- and just focus solely on what it is they bring to the table.

    But I guess I'm asking for sincerity, honesty and some form of leadership from candidates... fat chance, right?

  11. #61


    Quote Originally Posted by Novine View Post
    The ad was filmed in California with an American actress. The best comment I read was that Pete is trying to convince you how frugal he is while he wastes a gob of money on this trash.
    The "gob of money" he spent "on this trash" was his own money unlike the gobs of money spent by Debbie Spenditnow which is misdirected tax payer money. What an ad. He really hit the nerve of those sitting around waiting to be offended. [[And he spent his gob in America with an American actress - that's patriotic).
    Last edited by coracle; February-07-12 at 07:29 AM.

  12. #62


    Quote Originally Posted by coracle View Post
    The "gob of money" he spent "on this trash" was his own money unlike the gobs of money spent by Debbie Spenditnow which is misdirected tax payer money. What an ad. He really hit the nerve of those sitting around waiting to be offended.
    Now why couldn't you have simply stated that fact by calling Debbie Stabinow by her real name as opposed to mocking it?

    As far as the nerve that's hit, I'd say it would be Asian-Americans, some of Pete Hoekstra's Republican colleagues, some Detroit ministers, and most people who think that his ad is racially insensitive. So coracle and Mister Hoekstra, why are YOU so ignorant and so feeble minded to continue this diatribe of stupid name calling instead of pointing out facts in an argument? Because quite honestly- it shows your lack of credibility and a huge lack of respect to an opponent.

    One don't have to like the opponent whatsoever, but the fact that people like Hoekstra use such childish & boorish tactics to get attention is pathetic. If one has a point to make- state it without getting into the silly name calling and mocking tone.

  13. #63


    Yep, I was not watching the super bowl to be offended by anything, but now many have seen the ad that may not have. Name mockery is just kinda common and dumb.... it reflects more on the person using that technique and the original point is eroded.

    The ad is just not working, even for his position, which to some extent I agree with!

    As I said earlier the style of that thing has made a 'straw man' of his own argument! Diminishing any relevancy he may have wanted to convey..... or opinions he wanted to sway.

    But alas it was his money so he had the right to art direct this style of commercial as he liked and people from various perspectives have the right to critique his effort and the outcomes of it being aired.

    Good the Asian 'actress' made some money too I suppose..........

    Quote Originally Posted by Thruster315 View Post
    Now why couldn't you have simply stated that fact by calling Debbie Stabinow by her real name as opposed to mocking it?

    As far as the nerve that's hit, I'd say it would be Asian-Americans, some of Pete Hoekstra's Republican colleagues, some Detroit ministers, and most people who think that his ad is racially insensitive. So coracle and Mister Hoekstra, why are YOU so ignorant and so feeble minded to continue this diatribe of stupid name calling instead of pointing out facts in an argument? Because quite honestly- it shows your lack of credibility and a huge lack of respect to an opponent.

    One don't have to like the opponent whatsoever, but the fact that people like Hoekstra use such childish & boorish tactics to get attention is pathetic. If one has a point to make- state it without getting into the silly name calling and mocking tone.
    Last edited by Zacha341; February-07-12 at 09:21 AM.

  14. #64


    Have you guys seen the website? It's pretty awful....


    I won't even comment on it really, just see for yourself. In case there was any doubt about the racism and tastelessness...

  15. #65


    Quote Originally Posted by Thruster315 View Post
    Now why couldn't you have simply stated that fact by calling Debbie Stabinow by her real name as opposed to mocking it?

    As far as the nerve that's hit, I'd say it would be Asian-Americans, some of Pete Hoekstra's Republican colleagues, some Detroit ministers, and most people who think that his ad is racially insensitive. So coracle and Mister Hoekstra, why are YOU so ignorant and so feeble minded to continue this diatribe of stupid name calling instead of pointing out facts in an argument? Because quite honestly- it shows your lack of credibility and a huge lack of respect to an opponent.

    One don't have to like the opponent whatsoever, but the fact that people like Hoekstra use such childish & boorish tactics to get attention is pathetic. If one has a point to make- state it without getting into the silly name calling and mocking tone.
    I think I see the thrust of your point 315.

  16. #66


    Hmmm. Maybe it is a tasteless commercial, but it has gone viral with a lot of people talking about it. The tax and spend crowd is going to call it racist but he is not going to change their minds anyway. However in the primary when all the other candidates try to make a splash, the voter is going to remember his name. He has managed to at least gain name familiarity. In the republican party the core supporters are tired of the high taxes and spending and will associate Hoekstra with cutting all that stuff.

  17. #67


    All it needs is a that stereotypical 'gong' sound effect! Horrible site... that will probably find its place among the honorees of websitesthatsuck.com [[an actual website that showcases bad websites)!
    Quote Originally Posted by j to the jeremy View Post
    Have you guys seen the website? It's pretty awful....


    I won't even comment on it really, just see for yourself. In case there was any doubt about the racism and tastelessness...
    Last edited by Zacha341; February-07-12 at 09:40 AM.

  18. #68


    Quote Originally Posted by Thruster315 View Post
    Oh great, now he's outsourcing his productions to California. You're telling me he couldn't have shot this rubbish here in Michigan?

    But beyond where he shot it what bothers me about these sorts of ads are that the candidates obvious attempt to butcher the opponents' names.
    Would be great if Hoekstra was caught in a sex scandal. His name is an anagram of "Ho steak"!!

  19. #69


    Quote Originally Posted by Thruster315 View Post
    Now why couldn't you have simply stated that fact by calling Debbie Stabinow by her real name as opposed to mocking it?

    As far as the nerve that's hit, I'd say it would be Asian-Americans, some of Pete Hoekstra's Republican colleagues, some Detroit ministers, and most people who think that his ad is racially insensitive. So coracle and Mister Hoekstra, why are YOU so ignorant and so feeble minded to continue this diatribe of stupid name calling instead of pointing out facts in an argument? Because quite honestly- it shows your lack of credibility and a huge lack of respect to an opponent.

    One don't have to like the opponent whatsoever, but the fact that people like Hoekstra use such childish & boorish tactics to get attention is pathetic. If one has a point to make- state it without getting into the silly name calling and mocking tone.
    Well ! now we can start to see how seemingly unconnected policies such as cuts to education are affecting our political discourse. When you start appealing to the lowest common denominator, which in our society is probably around a 8th grade reading level [[with a maturity level to match) you get those kinds of ads. Bad part about it , for the most part the ads work since people tend to believe what they see and hear as long as it comes from a figure they perceive is someone like themselves. To do actual research takes time they say they don't have.

  20. #70


    All this discussion reminded me of the last election that Stabenow ran in. I think the big polital "stink" ads against her at the time were about importing Canada's trash. I remember being at the Franklin Cider Mill with my girlfriend at the time and her 7 year old daughter. We were eating doughnuts and drinking cider when my gf's daughter said "hey, that's Debbie Stabenow". It WAS! What's even better is that she went over to Stabenow with her napkin and asked her where she could put her "trash"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will never forget it as long as I live!

  21. #71


    You're in the top bracket now 315. Mr. Condescension has moved to your support.

  22. #72


    Quote Originally Posted by coracle View Post
    You're in the top bracket now 315. Mr. Condescension has moved to your support.
    Stop trolling.

  23. #73


    Quote Originally Posted by coracle View Post
    The "gob of money" he spent "on this trash" was his own money unlike the gobs of money spent by Debbie Spenditnow which is misdirected tax payer money. What an ad. He really hit the nerve of those sitting around waiting to be offended. [[And he spent his gob in America with an American actress - that's patriotic).
    Check your facts. Mr. Hoekstra, while in Congress voted for Medicare Part D, both wars and the Bush tax cuts. Whose "gobs of money" was he spending then? Oh, I forgot - when a Republican does it, it's o.k. Just like Rick the Nerd wanting to jack up car registrations by 60% - Can you imagine the outcry from indignant Republicans if Jennifer Granholm had proposed that? Hypocrisy appears to be standard equipment for most Republicans.

    You really believe that he spent his "own" money on that ad? If you count money that he gets from the Koch Bros, Manny and their ilk as his "own", then I guess that he did.

  24. #74


    Quote Originally Posted by partystore View Post

    This aired in Michigan during the Super Bowl. It includes broken English from an Asian woman saying "We take your jobs." You can thank Pete Hoekstra. He's a Republican runnin' for US Senate. Old Pete really made a splash, didn't he?

    I can only imagine what a Hoekstra commercial on welfare would be like...

    This is stereotyping to the infinite degree. This commercial is bad. If you think nothing is wrong with this commercial, then you are living in the wrong century.

  25. #75


    "an you imagine the outcry from indignant Republicans if Jennifer Granholm had proposed that?"

    Granholm did propose moving to a wholesale gas tax and increasing registration fees to pay for road improvements. Republicans opposed it. Frank Beckmann even tries to claim in a recent column that Granholm never attempted to address the funding shortfall.

    "Now the Legislature has taken up another issue that Granholm failed to address, and the result is likely to be just as unpopular as the pension tax."

    Typical conservatives scrubbing of history. When the facts don't work, make something up and pretend that it's true. Ct_alum is right that Republicans in Lansing operate under a double standard of tax and fee increases under Granhom = bad, tax and fee increases under Snyder = good.
    Last edited by Novine; February-07-12 at 03:38 PM.

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