Quote Originally Posted by Occurrence View Post
And these DEA people are busting people who work, pay taxes, have family and loved ones, perhaps children or other people that they love, protect, and support.

I'm just wondering how they can do this over something as miniscule as pot, a relatively harmless plant that grows naturally on this planet, and still manage to sleep at night. That's all. I'm guessing they probably feel that what they do it honorable in some way.

They did an excellent job at shutting down all those dispensaries though. That really made our communities much safer. The profits that were previously taxed by the state are now finally going into the hands of the right people......

That is just missing the point. Forgetting possible motives, I get that there are some folks who are very dogmatic when it comes to the issue of making drugs legal. There are also folks who are very dogmatic when it comes to the issue of enforcing the Law. I was pointing out that you basically took a steaming shit on the lives of people that are simply doing what most of us are...making a living, taking care of loved ones, etc. You basically said their lives are worthless because [sometimes] they are "busting people" who grow pot.

...and it is pretty hard to become a DEA agent. I suspect that most if not all of them are fairly proud of it.