Quote Originally Posted by mam2009 View Post
Are you telling me that no City workers have gotten promotions since 2008, Buy American?! Because that's why Pugh's new Chief of Staff got a raise. I'm not going to try to defend every decision that each individual Council member makes, but the people that I've elected to represent me deserve to be supported by the folks who put them there. If you don't live here, didn't vote for them, don't bother to call them, etc. then go bash your own elected body and leave mine alone.
I am telling you that since 2008 there have been no raises to the firefighters/police officers that I know of. In 2008 they took a 10% pay cut, now the City is asking for even more. I am telling you that since this is so, why would Charles Puke, give this guy $6,000 on top of what he makes already, which is substantial. I understand your support, but your head is buried in the sand if you think that YOUR elected officials are out there looking out for you and your best interest, because that's not true. Just look at Puke, he can't handle his own finances and he's handing out money like Detroit is his personal ATM. Kenyatta is or was in foreclosure, and maybe a couple more of YOUR elected officials are having problems financially. Granted, we all have problems with our finances these days, but when you have some elected officials who you trust to do the right thing for YOUR city [[which I never could understand why, all of a sudden, Detroit became a private entity that no one who lives outside the boundries could even speak of). I don't want to say that I did my time in Detroit because that's not how I felt at the time [[except the last few years when my neighborhood became so dangerous to live in)...I loved Detroit...but it has changed, and you know it.
I felt the need to respond just like you felt the need to respond to Ray, you felt he was wrong and I felt you were wrong. The City of Detroit still signs my checks for my pension, so I have every right to feel angry about what goes on there. I feel the same way when people buy foreign automobiles while GM has a big logo on the RenCen and Chrysler has two huge plants on Jefferson....who supports Detroit?