Quote Originally Posted by BrushStart View Post
It really doesn't get any stupider than this. Destroying perhaps one of the only vibrant street walls in the entire city in order to build a parking garage walkway exemplifies everything that is wrong with Detroit. Other cities are doing everything possible to preserve such developments and encourage new ones. Detroit, on the other hand, seems to be completely disconnected from what is sensible development.

While they are at it, why not just level all of "Greektown" and build a giant valet parking lot to serve the casino. That way, we can shuttle in more poor and elderly folks to pour their money into that citadel of sin. I'm serious when I say that there is a special place in hell reserved for the people who are dismantling the vital remaining urban fabric of this city. I hope they will be sentenced to an eternity of living in a city where the only buildings are parking garages.
Exactly. If the whole of greektown is turned into parking lots, it won't be any different than any other empty urban space and people will stop wanting to go there. The you'll end up with empty parking lots. Sigh.