I am pretty sure that the " Catholic Church connection" that a few posters are concerned about is nothing more than an interesting coincidence. They base their conspiratorial theories on the fact that the AoD, a corporation sole then in the person of Cardinal Maida, bought a house that Turkia Mullen was selling in Northville. It looks like Mullen sold it for far below market value to "the Church." this taken from the public records. Mullen was pretty much a nobody then , by the way. But more importantly, like Dan Gilbert, the Ilich family and most other people who are perceived to have deep pockets and have a need to assemble parcels of land on occasion, the AoD does not record the true price paid. A token price goes in the County Clerk's record: $1; $100, $1000 or like that. The Northville property was purchased for Cardinal Schoka to use when he returned home from Rome. By thecwau, Detroit has, unusually, two living Cardinals. The speculation is that they will be the last ones as the AoD is not the powerhouse it was in terms of Catholic population.