We never did anything to damage any ones property, never threw things at passing cars or peoples homes, never pulled the corner fire box, never used wax...soap would wash off, wax wouldn't, besides people would soon find out who did what....parents back then had an amazine network of finding shit out..... but we'd soap all the storefronts on Schoolcraft, certain peoples car windows, ring numerous door bells. The one time we build a barricade with garbage cans across Kendal because it was a dimly lit street. Although, when I was in High School, we had a guy down the block who was a prof at WSU, just a real jeck with everyone, an uppity asshole, well myself and bunch of other guys from the hood picked up and turned his little Renalt Daulphine car sideways in the drive between the houses. When we went to school the next morning, as a couple of us were walking by to catch the Wyoming bus and scout car crew from #14 were taking a report, the one officer stopped us "Grinning Like a Chessire Cat" asked us if we knew anything about this and all we said was " No Sir...Sorry"