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  1. #51


    Quote Originally Posted by 48091 View Post
    If I'm impaired, I don't drive.

    There's been three times that I've been too drunk to drive when I wanted to go home. One time I called my wife. The other two times I walked to Lafayette Coney, put down a couple coney's, walked over to work, watched TV for an hour, and once I was no longer impaired I drove home.

    There's simply no excuse to being under the influence of alcohol and getting behind the wheel. In my mind this is simply a moral imperative.
    If you were that drunk then I very highly doubt you would have fit the legal definition of sober by the time you drove home.

  2. #52


    i agree with you guys. It seems that MADD and other organizations have an alternate agenda. At any given night at probably every bar most customers drive home safely and without incident .

    to treat drunk drivers more severely than drivers who are texting, speeding, driving recklessly, using electronic devices, etc. to me makes no sense. Anyone who engages in risky driving behavior is aware of what they are doing. Given my preference I would rather be on the road when there is a driver in the vicinity who has had a reasonable amount to drink and is within the legal limit than a driver following me who is texting while driving.

    I have been the victim of a DUI accident years ago when a drunk driver broadsided the vehicle I was in on New Year's Eve. But to me why should he receive more of a punishment that if someone texing had hit me?

  3. #53


    48091, you are making my point for me. There is no way for you to know when you're no longer legally impaired. Your gut feeling is just that.

  4. #54


    You know those spike strips in say, a parking lot/garage and what-not that point the opposite way of travel, so if you try to get out the wrong lane or without paying your tires get shredded?

    Why don't they put those 200 meters from the end of an off ramp? If you arn't paying enough attention and are making your way up an off ramp, sober or not, to bad for you. I see problems if traffic HAS to back up, or someone driving stick rolling back a tad from a stop, but I think it's worth it

    I almost got creamed last year coming off EC Row her in Windsor after work.
    I was right about here:

    Doing about 90kph [[I know the sign says 50) when low and behold on the other side of the curve there's two chicks beginning a u-turn on the ramp, laughing hysterically at their mistake. Well, at the time I was driving an '08 Charger. A large and heavy vehicle vs. an early 90's VW looking for a t-bone.
    I swirved around them nearly hitting the sound barrier, but neither seemed bothered by the experience. Just as I'm thinking "you stupid bi..." ANOTHER car with two laughing chicks is headed my way!!!
    Last edited by Magnatomicflux; October-24-11 at 04:10 PM.

  5. #55


    Quote Originally Posted by Detroitnerd View Post
    Live in metro Detroit long enough, and at some point you're going to have to drunk-drive. Be safe out there...
    Quote Originally Posted by Detroitnerd View Post
    I remember when everybody's dad would take a road beer...
    Quote Originally Posted by Detroitnerd View Post
    What can I say? I lived in New York for 11 years and never drove drunk. Then, in Detroit, it's not like there's an incredible mass transit system...

    ...And, also, at least I drink a lot, to where it's very, very hard for me to get too drunk to drive.

    ...At some point, depending on enforcement, this whole thing becomes less about saving lives and more about using tragic deaths to justify a "zero tolerance" approach that may or may not save lives -- but generates huge amounts of revenue for the courts, the police, attorneys and nonprofit outfits like MADD.
    Good God, grow the f*** up.

    We get it that you want mass transit, but to justify driving drunk because of a lack of mass transit is bullsh*t. And for you to insinuate that enforcement of drunk driving laws is largely about money making is pitiful.

    And believe it or not, you will never "have to" drive drunk as long as taxis exist.

    I hope to God you never kill someone while you're driving.
    Last edited by Downtown Lady; October-24-11 at 04:31 PM.

  6. #56


    Quote Originally Posted by Downtown Lady View Post
    Good God, grow the f*** up.

    We get it that you want mass transit, but to justify driving drunk because of a lack of mass transit is bullsh*t. And for you to insinuate that enforcement of drunk driving laws is largely about money making is pitiful.

    I hope to God you never kill someone while you're driving drunk.
    Thanks for the thoughtful reply. Just goes to show that the anti-drunk-driving forces are reasonable, mature people who'd never stoop to insults or emotional arguments...

  7. #57


    I said exactly what I wanted to say. It was well-thought out and rational. You call it an emotional argument, I call it the truth. I think you need to grow the f up and your arguments are bullsh*t.

  8. #58


    Plus, I'm not an anti-drunk-driving force, I'm just a chick with an opinion.

  9. #59


    Yes, you have an opinion. You also are doing an awful job of presenting the reasons why you feel as you do. You are also mischaracterizing what I've written. Therefore, I feel comfortable that most people reading this will give you the credence you deserve.

  10. #60
    Occurrence Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by 48091 View Post

    There's been three times that I've been too drunk to drive when I wanted to go home. One time I called my wife. The other two times I walked to Lafayette Coney, put down a couple coney's, walked over to work, watched TV for an hour, and once I was no longer impaired I drove home.
    If you were that drunk, a few coney dogs and an hour of TV isn't going to sober you up enough to drive legally. Realistically, you would have to take a 4-5 hour nap, and even then you would be pushing it.

  11. #61


    Quote Originally Posted by Detroitnerd
    Yes, you have an opinion. You also are doing an awful job of presenting the reasons why you feel as you do. You are also mischaracterizing what I've written. Therefore, I feel comfortable that most people reading this will give you the credence you deserve.
    Just because you say I did an awful job doesn't make it so. And just because you say I have mischaracterized your words does not make it so.

    I'm sorry if the truth hurt your feelings. Also, your attempt to use condescension to prove that you won is rather weak.
    Last edited by Downtown Lady; October-24-11 at 05:02 PM.

  12. #62
    Occurrence Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Downtown Lady View Post
    Good God, grow the f*** up.

    We get it that you want mass transit, but to justify driving drunk because of a lack of mass transit is bullsh*t. And for you to insinuate that enforcement of drunk driving laws is largely about money making is pitiful.

    And believe it or not, you will never "have to" drive drunk as long as taxis exist.

    I hope to God you never kill someone while you're driving.
    Relax. He's not saying people drive drunk because there is no mass transit. He is saying the lack of mass transit is contributing factor to the number of drunk drivers on the road.

    I don't think I know any people who drive drunk simply because they want to, or they think it's fun. Just about anybody would prefer to hop on a subway or a streetcar four a couple bucks as opposed risking upwards of $7,000 for a drunk driving offense.

    Taxis aren't cheap either, so that's not a viable option. A drunk who feels they are capable of driving will do so instead of opt for the logical option.

  13. #63


    Something that has bugged me is when I do go out and get a bit to drunk too drive and want to take the bus home and only have enough cash to basically take it anyways, the bus driver won't let me on, and I'm not sh*t faced by any means.

    I had missed the last bus I planned on taking home one time, so being responsible, I decide to leave the Jeep downtown and walk home. Again, not sh*t faced, but too much to drive. I don't like getting that effed up anyways. On the way the cops pull me over. It's 2:30 in the morning on a side street, so I don't have a problem with them wanting to know what I'm up to. Guess I could be a criminal. I explain that I had missed the last bus, so I walked. They start giving me greif about being drunk in public! I wasn't staggering, stammering, wobbling, wonky-eyed, listing, weaving, or puking.....so WTF!??! They held me up for half an hour while they went back and forth with eachother about how they "could easily" arrest me with an irritating cocky attitude. Sat in their car for half that time with my ID. Then said "we're cutting you a huge break here buddy.....go home"

    ???????? That is the stuff that pisses me off. You plan on being responsible, you ARE responsible, and you get bothered about it anyways.

  14. #64


    Quote Originally Posted by Downtown Lady View Post
    I'm sorry if the truth hurt your feelings.
    Where's that smiley emoticon that's laughing so hard it's doubled over and pounding the ground?

  15. #65


    Nuthin' towards ya DL.....I just knew I saw it somewhere.

  16. #66


    Quote Originally Posted by Islandman View Post
    48091, you are making my point for me. There is no way for you to know when you're no longer legally impaired. Your gut feeling is just that.
    It's not a matter of a gut feeling. If there's any buzz, you don't drive. That's how I operate. If I even feel the slightest bit of buzz, I don't drive.

    Not that it matters anymore, I gave up drinking because I hate being hung-over and it's also expensive.

  17. #67


    Quote Originally Posted by kryptonite View Post
    If you had to try to avoid a vehicle coming towards you at 100+ mph would you actually care if the driving were drunk vs. sober?
    What in the world of twisted logic are you saying?

    You do understand that the vehicle would be going the wrong way BECAUSE THE DRIVER WAS DRUNK. If the person was sober they would make better decisions, such as going southbound on the southbound side.

    Yes, it does matter. It matters to the four innocent people that died in the crash we're discussing. If someone hadn't been drunk driving they would be with their families right now. Instead they're dead.

  18. #68


    Was the driver drunk?

  19. #69


    Quote Originally Posted by MikeM View Post
    Was the driver drunk?
    Police are trying to determine whether speed or alcohol was a factor, officials said. Police did not immediately say which vehicle was headed in the wrong direction.

  20. #70


    Right, that's the latest I could find.

    I watched an elderly man drive southbound on to northbound US-27 at the Clare exit ramp in broad daylight. He hit a car a mile down the road and killed one occupant.

  21. #71
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    And believe it or not, you will never "have to" drive drunk as long as taxis exist.
    Yes or a designated driver.

  22. #72


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    Yes or a designated driver.
    Yup, there are many safe options so you can avoid killing people.

  23. #73


    Goodness! Speaks to why I drink at 'home' mostly when I do partake of 'adult beverages' LOL! The bed or sofa is not far to get to the few times I've have one too many ala 'buzzed'! But all jokes aside, what you experienced it incredible. Don't the police have real crimes to address!
    Quote Originally Posted by Magnatomicflux View Post
    Something that has bugged me is when I do go out and get a bit to drunk too drive and want to take the bus home and only have enough cash to basically take it anyways, the bus driver won't let me on, and I'm not sh*t faced by any means.

    I had missed the last bus I planned on taking home one time, so being responsible, I decide to leave the Jeep downtown and walk home. Again, not sh*t faced, but too much to drive. I don't like getting that effed up anyways. On the way the cops pull me over. It's 2:30 in the morning on a side street, so I don't have a problem with them wanting to know what I'm up to. Guess I could be a criminal. I explain that I had missed the last bus, so I walked. They start giving me greif about being drunk in public! I wasn't staggering, stammering, wobbling, wonky-eyed, listing, weaving, or puking.....so WTF!??! They held me up for half an hour while they went back and forth with eachother about how they "could easily" arrest me with an irritating cocky attitude. Sat in their car for half that time with my ID. Then said "we're cutting you a huge break here buddy.....go home"

    ???????? That is the stuff that pisses me off. You plan on being responsible, you ARE responsible, and you get bothered about it anyways.
    Last edited by Zacha341; October-24-11 at 08:32 PM.

  24. #74


    Quote Originally Posted by iheartthed View Post
    But... Mass transit does offer an alternative to driving drunk. In Detroit there is no option other than to not get drunk. Granted, in an ideal world, not getting drunk should be the choice everybody makes when they know they have to drive. But in that ideal world we probably wouldn't have 60 foot tall billboards dotting the highways and interstates across Metro Detroit selling alcoholic beverages to drivers. Mass transit won't take every drunk driver off the road, but it will at least temp many with an option that doesn't endanger lives.
    It's true. For 10 years, I've never had to drive a car home from a bar or party. I've been close enough to walk, take a train, or take a cab. When I go back home for the holidays and meet up with my high school friends at a bar, I think they are lunatics for getting in a car. Sure they may be way under the legal limit, but it just seems strange and irresponsible that you'd get in a car even after consuming one drink

  25. #75


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    Goodness! Speaks to why I drink at 'home' mostly when I do partake of 'adult beverages' LOL! The bed or sofa is not far to get to the few times I've have one too many ala 'buzzed'! But all jokes aside, what you experienced it incredible. Don't the police have real crimes to address!
    No doubt, Zacha. Especially on a Saturday night in downtown Windsor. Like I said, I had no issue with the pulling me over [[is that the right term...if I'm walking? lol) I could have been scopping out houses or checking peoples car doors. But jumpin' jesus, I was honest and polite and I get harassed about it.
    Ah well, I don't hold it against em'all. I've had.....uh....a couple run-ins with the WPD and very few had me walking away shaking my head. For the majority are polite, helpful and professional.

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