Quote Originally Posted by j to the jeremy View Post
They're not occupying the whole park. Only one side has tents on it, and they have a 60 day permit to do so. This has been done countless times in America. But hey, you're obviously peeved by it, which I know would make them all happy. Public space is a human right, and I bet you'll be hard pressed to find anyone walking through Grand Circus who both LIVES in the city, and Opposes the "occupation".
After those 60 days the 99% will either renew their permit to stay at Grand Circus Park or occupy somewhere esle, but near Downtown Detroit so we can attack those greedy corporations with peace. The 99 Percenters will not be moved from any city where evil corporations make their stronghold. Having occupy Detroit called off means that corporations will win. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter the 99 Percenters will occupy every city in the world until the corporations and government relationship is over. The proletariat middle class and poor will be fed and treated, and a new global socialist government is revised. Stay and occupy my conrads. Free the world from corporate slavery!


For the 99 Perceneters and the Spirit of Guy Fawkes. Neda, I miss you so.