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  1. #176


    Quote Originally Posted by 3WC View Post
    Here's the feedback I got from my acquaintance in AK.

    The HAARP project was started by 3 govt agencies and the University of AK [[where my friend teaches and does research in the Earth Sciences.) It was run by a private contractor. Several other universities eventually participated. The project was involved with an exploration of properties of the Ionisphere. The main facility was located 25 miles from Glenallen AK, an area where I've back-packed a couple of times [[in the Wrangell-St. Elias wilderness area.). There was a companion facility near Fairbanks which is not now operating but is going to be rebuilt. The project had nothing to do with weaponry or "shooting beams back to earth."

    HAARP has apparently been referred to as a "conspiracy magnet." There have been innumerable stories written about the so-called sinister nature of the project and it has been blamed for everything from earthquakes, the hurricane that devastated Haiti, and about every other natural catastrophy that has occurred for several years. I mentioned Gannon's story about native Alaskans being harmed by the project and he just laughed and said there has never been a case of that kind in AK or anywhere that he's aware of [[and he is quite knowledgable about the project, has friends that were involved, and is a lifelong AK resident.)

    He also suggested that there's been a lot of stuff about the project on the internet including several conspiracy sites. I haven't had a chance to look at them but will when time permits.

    It IS quite the rabbit-hole, 3WC, but is NOT easily dismissed. There are extensive records of the output of these facilities. At least your friend is being straight with you when he says there were more than one location.

    Don't just go along with those who so easily want to dismiss it...do we need to pull out the list of conspiracies that turned out to be proven real?

    MikeM, you go pretty low with your comments too often. Of course your opinion means as much to me as mine do to you...but other than calling you out on toeing the company line [[since you HAVE to...), have I EVER called those on your side anything derogatory?! Really now. Your contempt is unwarranted. I wonder where your holier-than-thou attitude is fueled from...


  2. #177


    Quote Originally Posted by MikeM View Post
    A futile effort with the thumb-sucking crowd. A quick search would have provided links the the project[[ http://www.haarp.alaska.edu/ ), provided here in the past when the subject comes up, but of course that's never good enough.

    Of course it isn't good enough...when cover stories are so easily seen through. But, of course, no matter WHAT is brought up and proven, even through correlations that indicate causation, you will not ever do anything to risk your professional license!! Toe that line...collect whatever negative karma rides along with it.


  3. #178


    Quote Originally Posted by Autoracks View Post
    take off the tinfoil hat son.

    Its probably freeway noise. Its a low hum. Perhaps you are
    far away from the freeway but close enough that in the middle
    of the night when there isnt a whole lot of other noise being made
    and you are able to hear it.
    I live pretty close to 696. it makes a hum
    What hat?! What are you talking about?

    Is that as low a comment as MikeM's silly thumb-sucking dreg?

    Where is that from? Why the contempt for anyone who questions things...all I did was add up a few things, based upon a lifetime of collecting data. It is all valid, in my estimation, until proven wrong.

    I'm more interested, actually, on why things disappear from google archiving algorithms...around the time that Lowell had a unique server failure...and so many of my 14,000 plus posts, including a few wonderfully controversial threads, are not able to be found any longer. At least not easily through basic internet searches...yanno, the ones that MOST people know how to do?!

    It wouldn't bug me so much, if that one thread didn't disappear TWICE.

    Cheers, anyways, this IS getting fun.


  4. #179


    For the record, 3WC, many don't feel those within the university research system are trustworthy.

    IF they do any research on any government project that is protected by Top Secret and above clearance, they must achieve clearance themseves, and are not able to speak on, or even ASK about, anything else also under that cover. IF they do, they lose their clearance [[and any chance of getting it back), along with the ability to enjoy the free-flow of dollars from corporations and government in the future. The budgets of many, if not all, universities are bolstered by military/industrial complex dollars...and nobody in those institutions would risk making that go away.

    If I were to meet your friend, the first couple of questions we'd have for each other is what our respective security clearance is...and if he was bound by any agreement to remain silent on anything he has ever worked on at his university. Then I would also ask him if he considered talking freely to be any risk to his employment now, or future ability to rise in the academic ranks, or private-sector work.

    I would not want to risk anyone's career, but also would not take their word on anything, ever. Yanno, like I consider ol' MikeM here and now. Basically, so much hot air with a slight breeze!


    P.S.: I've known individuals who were attempting to achieve various levels of clearance...and I've known some with it, too. I'll NEVER forget a dinner down in Albuquerque, where my clients invited one of their friends over for dinner. I went on to explain my understanding of nested faraday-shielded chip designs...sparkling the conversation with observations...Nuclear Decapitation Study...yadda-yadda...when he very loudly said, "you KNOW these people don't have clearance, and you are NOT supposed to be talking about these things...!!!!" I then told him thanks...that I'd been gathering data all my life, adding things up as they resonated with each other, and had come to my conclusions on my own through things gleaned out of the public domain. Then I told him there was a REASON I stayed in the residential home entertainment electronics industry...we are about as far from needing clearance here as any, LOL!!
    Last edited by Gannon; August-13-11 at 03:53 PM.

  5. #180


    OH, I'll give it to you anyways, because I demand equal time against those who want to dismiss this as Conspiracy Theory [[shudder)!

    33 Conspiracy Theories that turned out to be true

    Read on...it is actually a pretty good article.

    Last edited by Gannon; August-13-11 at 04:30 PM.

  6. #181


    Gannon, I've been hearing this for about a year now, getting more intense the last couple months. I work on the west end of Windsor, and I always attributed it to Zug until the Star started reporting on it, saying it was being heard in Amherstburg as well. Maybe two weeks ago, it had actually gotten so intense it had drowned out the factory I'm maybe 25 meters from!
    I don't really know how to describe it. It certainly sounds man made. Its a low, throbbing, rumble. Very.....foundry sounding. Like a high output furnace, melting down metal. It was pretty intense last night, I should have recorded it for you. I'll try next time. In a way it sounds like something is slowly forcing its way thru the ground under my feet. But I don't feel under my feet so much as thru my body.
    I feel as though its in the atmosphere, and have suspected some form of solar winds bouncing off the magnetoshpere, and its vibrations passing thru, and reverberating thru the atmosphere. But why it would be focused in this region....I know not.
    Come to think of it, August 5th a coronal mass ejection hit Earth [[the magnetoshpere) and people as far south as Texas were able to see the Northern Lights! This however doesn't take into account all the other months I've been hearing this.

    I'm not sure if you read the Star articles or not, but so far it has been determined that there are no manufactuing centers on either side of the river to explain this.

    I knew you'd be the one to bring this to the forum!
    I look forward to your findings, Gannon.

    Last edited by Magnatomicflux; August-14-11 at 04:08 AM.

  7. #182


    Interesting. Next time I get woken I'll pay more attention to what I am hearing. It is some incesent drone that seemed like a train... but wasn't [[I know the sounds of the train tracks well, and it wasn't a train). I settled on it being a distant faulty transformer. I've heard it a few times now, usually I'm a heavy sleeper, but each time it was a case of sudden eyes wide open where the fuck is that noise coming from awakeness.

    After reading the 'mindbox' link, got me wondering about the push to get Smart Meters installed last summer... talk about an easy way to tag on secret experiments by having a mandated box full of electronics directly connected to your electrical system, right on your own house in full view, that is capable of two way wireless communications. =-) Maybe somebody should get the Windsor lawsuit guy to focus on the smart meters rather than Zug Island.


  8. #183


    Well, the pitch of the hum JUST changed...once again at the 'hour'. The three minutes behind is now four minutes ahead. LOL...they are applying gentle 'dither' to their otherwise swiss-clockwork timing.

    I woke at three, and this change happened at four. I just heard it waver a wee bit in warble...they seem to be playing with the phase.

    Anyone having nightmares tonight?!

    OOH, this one induces a bit of nausea, too. I can feel it in my gut...making my stomach dance a bit.

  9. #184


    Damnit. Another distinct change at 4:20. This is too obvious.

    And NO, for the peanut gallery, that is no code.


  10. #185


    And yet again nearly twenty minutes later. It is now slightly lower in pitch, and the warble tone is quite harsh. I suspect if we had a full-spectrum meter, it would show some harsh edges to these waves. Oddly, my partner jostled in her sleep merely a moment AFTER this change...

    It now altered again, almost exactly a minute later...this is one of the busiest mornings I've ever experienced. She is now awake. Cannot wait to hear what her dreams are like.

    I now have an extraordinary headache, but the nausea has subsided.

    Last edited by Gannon; August-15-11 at 03:43 AM.

  11. #186


    BTW, Lowell, your server clock is off again.


    Yes, she had nightmares, for anyone keeping score. I put those Mack's solid silicone earplugs in and got a really good last few hours of sleep.

    They don't solve the problem, they only make it manageable.

    My darlin' had hers in when I noticed her stirring when the hum changed this morning...it was really weird to hear the change, then immediately see her stir in her sleep. All the proof I need. This is MindBox, applied.

  12. #187


    I think it is very curious that now the internet keeps bumping me off-line, where I have to log in for EVERY post I make. LOL! Yeah, probably co-incidence.

    Then there have been the times I've had to log in when I wasn't bumped...let's see if it works this time...

  13. #188


    OK, it worked.

    This morning, while praying and meditating on this hum...while hearing those changes at the times I posted, along with the reactions in my partner...one term came to mind, from the hifi world.

    Total Harmonic Distortion.

    I was free-associating on the harshness of the warble tones this morning...and if anyone has ever listened to the difference between pure sine waves and square waves, you'd have indelible memories of what distortion added to purity sounds like.

    There is some squareness, or even sawtooth, in the hum tones...there were more than one frequency last night, at least two warbling off each other.

    I am eager to hear what anyone else experiences...it was bizarre to hear all the sirens all weekend, too. For them, I lean more towards the standard Full Moon stirring of the population, but consider that the folks who produce this hum work with this natural exacerbator and turn their juice up to eleven to take full advantage of the stress-induction of that natural cycle.

    Cheers and more on this gorgeous sunny morning...

  14. #189


    Whoa...the clock is fixed, and all of the back-timed posts are automatically corrected. Cool.

    If that was YOU, Lowell, over your morning coffee, I tip my espresso cup your way.

    If it was AIW...you, too, pal.


  15. #190


    Quote Originally Posted by Magnatomicflux View Post
    Gannon, I've been hearing this for about a year now, getting more intense the last couple months. I work on the west end of Windsor, and I always attributed it to Zug until the Star started reporting on it, saying it was being heard in Amherstburg as well. Maybe two weeks ago, it had actually gotten so intense it had drowned out the factory I'm maybe 25 meters from!
    I don't really know how to describe it. It certainly sounds man made. Its a low, throbbing, rumble. Very.....foundry sounding. Like a high output furnace, melting down metal. It was pretty intense last night, I should have recorded it for you. I'll try next time. In a way it sounds like something is slowly forcing its way thru the ground under my feet. But I don't feel under my feet so much as thru my body.
    I feel as though its in the atmosphere, and have suspected some form of solar winds bouncing off the magnetoshpere, and its vibrations passing thru, and reverberating thru the atmosphere. But why it would be focused in this region....I know not.

    Come to think of it, August 5th a coronal mass ejection hit Earth [[the magnetoshpere) and people as far south as Texas were able to see the Northern Lights! This however doesn't take into account all the other months I've been hearing this.

    I'm not sure if you read the Star articles or not, but so far it has been determined that there are no manufactuing centers on either side of the river to explain this.

    I knew you'd be the one to bring this to the forum!
    I look forward to your findings, Gannon.


    Zowie, thanks Magnatomicflux. I'm floored.

    As for the amplification in your area, do you know of any geologic curiosities in the area...are you closer to bedrock, or does the ground contain greater quantities of quartz or any other crystalline form...or is the salt beneath us all a bit closer to you than us here in Detroit? Isn't one of the salt mines on your side of the river?!

    When you say you feel it through your body, this dovetails with the research I found over four years ago, when I was having those weird lucid dreams about the Tesla technology. The human body is an EM sense...the ribs each contain a strand of nerve fiber, and each rib is a different length...not unlike an old TV antenna with elements for every useful frequency broadcast. Wavelength is indirectly proportional to frequency.

    The stuff I stumbled upon on-line proved the government has done research through univesities on using EM to affect humans without them knowing it. This would have been done through MK-Ultra and other associated Top Secret programs...which were proven to not be false rumors through a Canadian whistleblower in the 70s. It was supposed to be shut down at least twice, but it has continued. That was the gist of the MindBox story, actually. Not that it happened, but that it had continued after they were publicly flogged by Congressional inquiry. Not the first time the spooks went silent with research and misbehavior that the rest of us [[with active conscience, and working hearts and brains) frown upon strongly.

    I'm hoping this revelation is able to occur a similar way, which would prove additional collusion between our governments, at least in the 'shadows'. Most who track the operation and abuses of the nation's falsely-named 'intelligence' operations recognize that they all work together for what they deem the greater good. Oddly, it is always their good, LOL, not ours.

    The Navy decommissioned the two ELF projects, designed to communicate through the Earth...triggering deep-diving subs to come up for further communication or to deliver their nasty payloads, about the time the HAARP project went from experimental to operational phase. Perhaps they can use HAARP to do a similar thing. The Iridium Satellite network went operational at the same time...then went very publicly broke, after the public didn't rush to buy into it [[when Osama bin Laden discovered they were tracking him through his and threw it away, probably, LOL!)...but it was very quiety purchased by interests with ties to military and unintelligence. In addition, we're a few generations into the cellular phone technology, too.

    I don't know the cause...yet. Until someone finds a correlation between the output of all of these and the phenonena we experience...all bets are off and this remains open speculation and wild guesses. I'm only going on intuition, perception, and knowledge of past misbehavior of the unintelligence community worldwide.

    Cheers, keep sane. Buy some Mack's earplugs and let me know if they help on your side of the river.

    Last edited by Gannon; August-15-11 at 07:17 AM.

  16. #191


    Quote Originally Posted by Gannon View Post
    OK, it worked.

    This morning, while praying and meditating on this hum...while hearing those changes at the times I posted, along with the reactions in my partner...one term came to mind, from the hifi world.

    Total Harmonic Distortion.

    I was free-associating on the harshness of the warble tones this morning...and if anyone has ever listened to the difference between pure sine waves and square waves, you'd have indelible memories of what distortion added to purity sounds like.

    There is some squareness, or even sawtooth, in the hum tones...there were more than one frequency last night, at least two warbling off each other.

    I am eager to hear what anyone else experiences...it was bizarre to hear all the sirens all weekend, too. For them, I lean more towards the standard Full Moon stirring of the population, but consider that the folks who produce this hum work with this natural exacerbator and turn their juice up to eleven to take full advantage of the stress-induction of that natural cycle.

    Cheers and more on this gorgeous sunny morning...
    I don't remember any of my dreams from last night, but I took a mega dose of Valerian root before bed and that may have something to do with it. I did wake up several times, but I don't remember hearing anything. My cats were going totally crazy last night. One cat managed to open and get into every single cupboard in my kitchen. She was digging through and throwing around all of my dried food items all night, which isn't actually typical. Perhaps she is picking up on it, too.

    Anyway, I will be keeping an eye on this thread and updating with any experiences.

  17. #192


    I think that my sleep was just too disrupted for dreams. I must have pulled the cat out of my kitchen shelves a million times last night because she was in there clawing away and stuff.

    I also took vitamin B, which typically causes me to have very memorable or lucid dreams. Nothing last night, though.

  18. #193


    Quote Originally Posted by Gannon View Post
    ...if anyone has ever listened to the difference between pure sine waves and square waves, you'd have indelible memories of what distortion added to purity sounds like....
    Prepare to adjust your volume after clicking this YouTube video. It shows how a square wave can be constructed from an infinite number of sine waves.

    Sine Wave to Square Wave using Fourier Series Pretty annoying, eh?

    Wikipedia's Square Wave Article

  19. #194


    You never cease to amaze me, Jimaz.

    I listened to that a few times...even though those were theoretical, it reminded me of what I hear, quite strongly enough to get me sick a bit. Curious. My psyche is reeling a bit from the experiment. Yes, for those in the peanut gallery, this COULD very well be psycho-somatic. Believe me, I pay attention to these things, and placebo-type response is ALWAYS a possibility that must be eliminated...I have done this for many years with hifi and performance tweaks.

    That said, adding waveforms with the fundamental of 7.83Hz [[the Schumann Resonance), then a variable-phase second wave, and then the 60Hz AC grid [[and ALL associated motors syncronized to it), and THEN the peaking squeal of what so many think is tinnitus [[but may well be radiation from cell towers)...each by themself not an issue, but in total...that may indeed be a terrible torque to the human perceptual machine.

    Science would analyze ONE at a time, but they really don't have any type of control mechanism to track down any combination of them. But one well-versed in chordal effects upon the human body would know which type of harmonic to introduce in order to effect a particular mood response in the average human. Even moreso if they've taken 40 years of cumulative study...which we strongly suspect MK-Ultra to have done.

    Great work, thanks. I'm still oddly affected by that...wow. I don't do distortion well, never have...that may be why I got so good in the hifi business.


  20. #195


    Do you see in that squarewave article, the graph of the sawtooth? That one wouild likely introduce a variable phase, in combination with 'perfect' sine waves like the 7.83 Schumann and 60Hz AC...possibly creating the warble-tone that so often plagues me.

    I'm telling ya, we seem to be getting pretty close, but it will take some SERIOUS measuring equipment to capture the whole envelope of sound...and then another great collection of computer and brain power to pick it all apart. You can see with that youtube example how one wave overlies the main sine wave, and hear the higher and higher overtone frequency...and that is only with TWO sine waves, not a sine and another sine and a sawtooth and then another very high frequency sine.

    We're talking such complexity, it is like unwraveling a complex Indian rug and trying to guess where the different threads come from.

    Thanks again. I am still sick to my stomach...
    Last edited by Gannon; August-15-11 at 07:02 PM.

  21. #196


    All I had to do was follow the links provided by youtube...


    I wish he had recorded the progression or regression of sound in this...

  22. #197


    This is a brilliant tutorial...I couldn't have explained it better myself.


  23. #198


    Sorry, didn't mean to make anyone queasy.

    Here's a Fast Fourier Transform app for iPhone by Studio Six Digital:
    Imagine combining that data with data from a GPS while driving around in a Google Street View car to get a map of the area affected by this hum. Maybe Google has already done this. Didn't they get caught collecting some wifi data with their Google Street View cars?

  24. #199


    Gannon: Thanks for dissing Mike M for his comment. However, That kind of comment doesn't bother me one iota.

    I hope you conquer your demon hum. As for me, I'm outta here. Good luck.

  25. #200



    I understand. From most, it wouldn't be an issue with me, either. He and I have too much history...him always calling down from on high, holier-than-thou...I just get sick of it.

    Thanks for reporting back, if you find anything in your travels in Alaska, just remember me! LOL.

    Be safe...


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