Quote Originally Posted by davewindsor View Post
I can think of insurance from lawsuits for one.

If somebody is allowed to help themselves to a chair like strawberries in a u pickem strawberry field and trips and busts their kneecap because a plate on the ground was missing or the area was poorly lit, the owner of the property can be sued. If plaster falls on someone and they cut their head open, the property owner can be sued. So if John Public can go through it, you need insurance, you need the area properly lit, you need an engineer to make sure it's safe to walk through, etc. It all costs money. If a voluntary organization that has their own insurance like Habitat doesn't want it, it gets thrown in the garbage.
The city can do much more good by tearing down one of the 30,000 abandoned structures instead of chasing people off of a field that they willingly maintain for free.

As to injury liability, how would it be any different than a city park? Except for that the grass at Tiger Stadium is actually being mowed [[by caring citizens) and city parks look like jungles.