Oh the News of the World scandal! What can I say? People have been complaining about Murdoch's dodgy practices for years and nothing has happened until now. Maybe this had something to do with the fact that Rupert Murdoch has been so close with successive Prime Ministers that people have wondered whether they share a bed. Look at how bad it had to get before the government acted! The News of the World was hacking the phones of murder victims and dead soldiers. Now our government want some sort of pat on the back for finally doing something about it. But no-one is inclined to do that. Just days ago PM David Cameron was all cosy, cosy with Murdoch, now he's virtually calling him the devil. Do me a favour! I am sorry for the ordinary News of the World staff who have all lost their jobs. But Murdoch's editor, Rebekah Brooks is still on staff. But then it was ever thus. It's always the 'little people' who take the pain for those up top. As you can tell, I'm a bit pissed off about this. My country is melting down into economic slush and our government spend all their time telling us how ethical they're being over Murdoch. Makes you want to weep.