I looked for a citation of Herrada's ethnocentric view of SW Detroit that ignores the great work of our current State rep in favor of any Hispanic person having that seat [[but mostly herself as she is running for anything to get name recognition. I guess she lost for Charter Commission). This from the Michigan Citizen reporting on a community meeting & Herrada's interpretation of the turnout:
"“When Victor asked for police intervention, Southwest Solutions sent out e-mails asking that the ‘community’ let the ‘powers that be’ know how important this art gallery is to the community, which is a crock of b------t,” longtime southwest resident Elena Herrada said. “The reason there were all those Latinos at the meeting at the Southwest Public Safety Mall was because our community of Latinos is trying to fight to regain some semblance of political power from [Steve]Tobocman and Rashida [Tlaib] and Southwest Solutions gang.”