After two years on the job, it is clear that Bing is completely lost and in over his head. The constant turnover, ineptness, and scandals of his appointees is simply unacceptable.

I am extremely disappointed by his excuse-making and responsibility-dodging.

His attempt to blame the business community for not "helping him" is weak and pathetic. Over the last few years, the Detroit business community has been bending over backwards to help the city.

The local business community has donated millions of dollars to fund the Clean Downtown project. The local business community has donated millions of dollars to build and operate Campus Martius Park and the Riverwalk. Wayne State, the DMC, and Henry Ford Hospital have dedicated millions to fund an incentive program to lure residents into midtown.

Dan Gilbert has turned into a major force, buying up downtown buildings and getting new tenants to move downtown. Blue Cross Blue Shield just recently strengthened their commitment to Detroit by moving thousands of workers downtown.

Detroit business owners have pledged over $100 million in private donations to help fund a light rail system on Woodward, which is now mired in a disagreement over track placement.

It seems that the Detroit business community has stepped up BIG TIME over the last few years, while Bing has accomplished nothing other than the Cobo agreement, which was fully supported and set up before he came on the scene.

It is time for Bing to stop finger-pointing and making excuses. Instead of complaining about the business community not helping, he should get them around a table and hammer out an agreement on the Woodward light rail project. Everybody is on board, we just need a leader to keep all the players on track.