Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
My reading comprehension levels are quite good, thank you;
LOL. I didn't say that your reading comprehension levels aren't good. I just said that maybe mine are better. Yours can be good and maybe mine are great.

what you are refusing to see is that regardless of whether or not they threatened to rape her, she was afraid they would. She had no clue UNTIL THEY WERE GONE that they weren't going to rape, maim or kill her. Who the hell cares if she was 'explicitely quoted' that they threatened to rape her? She reacted in a way that most people would react; leave, get the hell out of Dodge, beat feet, motor. Leave the area before they come back. I don't give a shit if she was in Detroit, Windsor or London; if three men hold a gun to your head and make movements like they may rape and kill you, you don't stick around afterward to see if they'll come back and follow through. She did react appropriately by leaving. She called the cops when she got home. If she had lived in Dearborn, would you be saying she shouldn't have gone home? I doubt it. She just wanted to be safe and home is where she felt safe.
I fully understood her when she described her fear that they might rape her during the robbery. But what does that have to do with her not calling the police after they left the building? It's like being afraid of a tornado after the severe thunderstorm cells have moved on to the next county.