Quote Originally Posted by Rocko View Post
As a side note, this project would NOT be moving forward if not for the State Historic Preservation tax credits Gov. Snyder hopes to derail. The Broderick gets them because they were awarded before he took office. If he gets his way and the credits disappear, how many other valuable historic properties in Detroit [[and outstate) with real potential for rehabilitation will never be viable?
There was an article a week or two ago that said Snyder had loosened his stance on the Historic and Brownfield credits. I can't remember where I read it, MLive maybe, but after prodding from local leaders such as Detroit Mayor Dave Bing and others around the state, Snyder said the credits will make it back. Individuals such as The Broderick Tower project leader, Fred Beal had been very publicly vocal about the importance of the credits, asked if the Broderick project would happen without the credits, he replied, absolutely not. I will do my best to find the article.