Quote Originally Posted by firstandten View Post
So I guess its all or nothing for you.
You were the one who said he kept most of his campaign promises. After I pointed out that your linked source failed to back up that assertion, you've now agreed that he either failed or compromised away most of his "economic" campaign promises.

Man, you hold folks to an unbelievable standard
No differently than the standards to which most of the posters on this forum held the previous president.

BTW unemployment did go down to 8.8 you failed to mention that.
The Obama administration typically revises the numbers several months later and it's usually in the wrong direction. Besides, the middle class knows the real story and it isn't found in the official unemployment numbers. According to Gallup, the number of Americans that are either unemployed or working part-time but desiring full-time work actually rose from 19.8 percent in February to 20.3 percent in March. If that reality doesn't improve along with the personal income statistics, Obama will be toast, regardless of what the official unemployment numbers are come fall of 2012.

Not any higher regard than the Bush adm ??? Is that a fact or just your opinion based on what Rush told you
Surely you've also noticed that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is still showing Obama his clenched fist; Germany, Turkey and most of the Arab League either walked away or sabotaged Obama's Libyan mini-coalition; Hamid Karzai is as uncooperative as ever and deliberately fomenting murderous anti-American and anti-UN riots; Muslim's are burning Obama 's effigy as we speak......