I love the letters from Europe concept! Always perfect to get another upfront view on the changing political face of this earth. To breathe is political. We all share this earth The first hand views are the best when un-inhendered by editors etc.

Django is out on his adventures again. What he was doing, I will not share, but Ron did check in later with him to make sure he was ok.

The people on this board are the best. Hope you found Detroit, very people friendly and not quite what you expected.

Still think local politics and politicians should be your evil foes. Joking but think about it. The people are very cool but we get held down and held back often in trying to acceive a general renaissance for our four corners.

Truely was a pleasure meeting you.

Don't know your whole agenda while you were here but if you didn't get to meet our church folk you should certainly schedule appointments with several congregations here in the city. A hugh force for change but perhaps under valued!

Best wishes, Sumas