Quote Originally Posted by archytech View Post
I would still like to see some drawings of the proposed stations and layout of track downtown. One nice thing about the DTOGS survey was that they got input from the public...I don't feel that this private investment is really asking the public what they want. Hopefully someone won't decide to make it go one way to save money
DTOGS designed an implementation for Woodward if say Michigan Ave or Gratiot were selected for the first major leg of the system. It's called the "Woodward Common Segment". Its plans are available on youtube and DTOGS website. I'm curious why you would throw out a pre-engineered plan that encompasses public input and meets the Federal requirements for applying for funding for a plan that some rich people drew on the back of a cocktail napkin. It's sad to watch the region’s future be sacrificed by incompetence just because said incompetence is able do something doesn’t mean that they should. Of course this is more the status quo. I make this prediction: Their going to build it, Its going to suck and support will never materialize for anything else. “Yes, lets get on the express train down to New Center so we can hop on Hertel’s Turtle the rest of the way downtown.” Detroiter’s are obsessed with speed and efficiency. If you are not going to build a transit system that has the potential to rival a car and entice drivers to become riders then you shouldn’t build one period.

“Hertel’s Turtle” is an unregistered trademark freely available for public use provided you do not claim ownership. - Russix 5/22/2009