Quote Originally Posted by Mikeg View Post
"Winning the Future by Re-Writing the Past"
Obama: Gadhafi 'Has Lost The Legitimacy To Lead'

Washington [[CNN) -- President Barack Obama said Thursday that Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi "has lost the legitimacy to lead and ... must leave." [read the rest]
I seem to remember that Col. Gadhafi staged a coup d’état and has exercised dictatorial power over Libya ever since 1969. How in the hell can anyone say with a straight face that Gadhafi "has lost the legitimacy to lead" when he was never a legitimate leader to begin with? Imagine how those translated words will sound to the ears of Libyans who are risking death to overthrow that bastard?
SO instead Obama should have said that the U.S. policy regarding Libya for the past 3 or more decades was all wrong? We bought peace in the middle east for Israel and the rest of the world by giving money to Gadafi and Mubarak. It wasn't the best solution but it was a better alternative to continuous war in that area. As I recall, W's policy was to not talk to any country that wasn't already friendly with the U.S. If you don't talk, the only alternative is conflict which eventually turns into talking about peace once most of the war-lovers are personally hurt or killed.