Excellent Jonnny5 Thank you

So we have say for instance 3 broad categories of where incentive dollars are spent

1: lets call that a Transit incentive which would be an incentive to entice a outside venture to come into MI ,They would be considered a high term taxpayer investment for a short term gain,if you take the how well has that worked up to this point approach. Then the state needs to provide the real numbers to the general public or include them in news releases.

2: The incentives that are used directly towards the rebuilding aspect,think about the large projects recently under way or have been done with historical properties downtown,those are already structured on a the numbers have to match basis,they are long term payoffs,and the jobs they provide really do not affect the city as a whole,but what they do provide is an important message of a city moving forward which intern attracts other investments. And helps to preserve a cities history that defined them in the first place.

3: Incentives used to lure business into the city to provide jobs,this is already structured according to how many jobs are you providing and at what pay-scale.So a company that wishes to provide good paying manufacturing jobs will be looked at more so then a fast food chain who would provide more jobs but at a less pay.

You are providing a incentive for a business to locate there so the numbers or rate of return back to the taxpayer should match.It is not about why should we help a for profit company in business because if you say that then there are many other cities and states in this country that would be glad to have them,that is the way it is so that is not a factor at all.

The [[Gov) has proposed a $25,000,000 cap on these incentives and saying that it is no longer an incentive it is a direct grant ,so heres your bank when it is empty thats it,short term savings long term loss . So what happens to the company that comes in August when that fund is dry.

As a grant ie one time payment what happens if two years down the road the company moves south that money is gone,incentives are structured over time. But because the Gov was a past venture capital fund owner/manger maybe he is on to something . There needs to be some more clarity as to what is going on.