Sidenote: since we moved to the Metroplex for nearly all of SE Michigan's mail sorting, the postmark really sucks. Sometimes you can't even read it. It seems like not too long ago, most places at least still used a circular cancellation stamp that was legible. Now they just print letters and they look like shit. What's the point of the "happy holidays" cancellation for the holiday season or the various other ones they use when you can't even read them?

Cancellation note aside: I was down on vacation passing through the Cumberland Gap last year and we detoured out of the way to actually go to the little down of Cumberland Gap, TN, which has been completely bypassed by the highway. We dropped in a local antique store and found out from the shopkeep that the local postmaster would hand cancel postcards mailed from the Cumberland Gap PO if you buy your stamps there. Sure enough, we walked down the block and wrote ourselves postcards and had them hand canceled "Cumberland Gap, TN, USPS." Very cool and certainly not something you could do everywhere.