Yeah, the crime explosion was crazy when it happened. A close friend of mine moved due that factor alone. Yet having spent time in that area hear and there I was always sad that things went so bad so fast.
Quote Originally Posted by kryptonite View Post
I lived next to La Vogue about 1982-1983 in the building on 225 Covington. I had two friends that lived in La Vogue at different times. I can barely recall the interior. Palmer Park was getting terrible with crime, muggings were routine as were car thefts and break-ins. Someone broke into three units in my building in one day alone. Mine was one that they attempted to break into, the door was damaged but for some reason they were scared off. I would say at least 25 people I knew at the time all left PP before 1984 because of crime of fear of crime.

If Palmer Park were secure it could be a very nice residential area. The buildings are phenomenal, inside and out. Parking is an issue, but not nearly as bad as places like NYC or San Francisco. The view of the park from certain buildings is nice, there is enough grass and a few trees to give it an aesthetic appeal.