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  1. #76


    May 18, 2006 - Rep. Darrell Issa [[R-CA) provides false information to AP that Lam has prosecuted only 6% of 289 suspected immigrant smugglers. [wiki]

  2. #77


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    Who said anything about doing nothing about healthcare? I would start with the premise that the government should do no harm. Americans should be given the freedom to arrange new agreements and options with healthcare providers,
    Like the insurance exchanges created by the new law?

    more drugs should be available over the counter,
    The patents have to run out first.

    foreign drugs should be allowed,
    Any old foreign drugs or do you think the FDA should look over the research behind them?

    the FDA should allow more flexibility with medicines that haven't been fully vetted,
    How much flexibility? And who is responsible if a lot of people get very sick? After all, you said that the gov. should first of all do no harm.

    ] medical vacations to cheaper foreign venues should be encouraged,
    How encouraged? With ads? With grants? And how would that square with all the rhetoric about the U.S. having the best healthcare system in the world?

    Freedom could make health care affordable to a much higher percentage of Americans, thereby reducing the number who would be dependent on state health care solutions. In my state, the [[D) Governor has even imposed hospital and nursing home taxes on patients.
    Is that your idea of freedom? More taxes? If by freedom you are referring to the free market, I recall that neocon deregulation allowed the airlines to fly planes without cockpit locks which resulted in hijackers taking over the planes on 9/11.

    My problem with Republicans on this issue is that they too are too much in the back pockets of the insurance companies and health care companies. Like Democrats, they side with the status quo in most situations and similarly have little concern for doing what it takes to make health care truly affordable.
    We've got to get big money out of our elections so we can stop having the best gov. money can buy.

  3. #78


    Quote Originally Posted by maxx View Post
    Another lie: most illegal immigrants commit crimes in the U.S.http://articles.cnn.com/2010-04-29/j...aw?_s=PM:CRIME
    Where did you come up with "most illegal immigrants commit crimes in the U.S.'?

    This is the closest such statement I could find in the article. Only two crimes were cited, 'half' is not 'most', and CNN's factcheck verified one of the two claims. I assume by 'illegal immigrants' you meant what what the article referred to as the even more fuzzy term 'unauthorized immigrants' which presumably are PC nice for the legal term 'illegal aliens'.

    Arizona state Sen. Russell Pearce this week told CNN's Tony Harris that half the murders in Phoenix are committed by unauthorized immigrants and that the city is the second in the world in kidnappings.
    A CNN Fact Check found that the senator's claim about the murders in Phoenix cannot be proven, but he did have police statistics to back up his claims of the city's high number of kidnappings,
    -from CNN linked article above

    "The cost of incarcerating illegal aliens in Arizona prisons and jails amounts to about $80 million a year [[not including the monetary costs of the crimes that led to their incarceration)".for more including consideration of offsetting taxes illegal aliens pay- http://www.fairus.org/site/PageServe...suecenters5e3f

  4. #79
    gdogslim Guest


    Democrat Lie : They are the sole holders of truth, justice, fairness, follow them and you will prosper.
    Democrat Lie : Democrats are miserable and angry because they lost the midterm elections big time because of Obama's failed socialist policies and have to mislead the American people.

    Well now, lets take a lookie lookie see at some of the top ten democrat lies, just for fun.
    http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/987465/posts -
    [[Oh you can't do that.., thats...a a right wing web site written by right wing hate mongering fascist extremists who watch fox news and are pro military) - [[So will respond the liberal drones)
    The Top 10 Democratic Lies
    By John Kanelous 8/5/2003Lie #1: Global Warming, caused by the emission of greenhouse gasses, will melt the ice caps and cause massive global flooding.
    Truth: In 400 years of measuring global temperatures, the temperature has only increased 3/4 of one Degree.
    Lie #2: Bush stole the election through the Supreme Court. Gore had more votes, and should have won. Bush is an illegitimate president.
    Truth: Gore, not Bush, contested the results of the election in Florida, filing a complaint to be settled in the courts, not the ballot box, where George Bush won the vote count.
    Truth: It was Gore, not Bush, who placed the fate of the election into the courts. Bush had already won Florida.
    Lie #3: The only reason for Bush going to war with Iraq is to get their oil, and line his own pockets.
    Truth: This slanderous Democratic allegation was totally un-American, bordering on treason, and was never backed up by any evidence or supporting facts. It insinuated the President of the United States was a liar and a criminal.
    Lie #4: Bush wants to abolish Social Security
    Truth: Another slanderous Democratic lie designed to scare senior citizens. Truth: Bush wants to help make Social Security more efficient by allowing people some control over the money that is deducted from their pay.

    Lie #6: Bush is a liar. [[ i like this one)
    Truth: Bush is one of the most honest, forthright Presidents in history. Truth: Democrats can’t recognize Bush’s sincerity because they think lying is what all Presidents do to stay in power. Truth: Democrat’s have to lie to the American People. If Democrat’s told the truth about what they really want the people would throw them out on their ear.
    Truth: Democrat’s want to raise taxes, but they won’t admit it. Democrat’s want to scale back our military superiority, but they won’t admit it.

    Lie #7: Bush tax cut was only for the rich. [[Anyone get hired by a homeless person lately?)
    Truth: To a Democrat, rich is anyone making a decent living.
    Truth: Everyone who pays taxes, got a tax cut.
    Truth: The rich are the only ones who can afford to hire employees.
    Lie #8: This is the worst economy since Herbert Hoover – John Kerry, 8/6/03, Presidential Candidate and current U.S. Senator. An outrageous lie, that is reiterated on a daily basis, by the Democratic Leadership.
    Truth: The stock market is up 23% this year.
    Truth: The recession that started in the last year of the Clinton Administration has been declared over by the think tank that keeps track of these things.
    Lie #9: Bush lied about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction. [[His only reason for going to war with Iraq.)

    Truth: Everyone thought Iraq had biological and chemical WMDs, and were seeking nuclear weapons, including former President Clinton, and still presumably Prime Minister Tony Blair.
    Truth: It was not only WMDs, but the fear that a man of Saddam Hussein’s character and hatred for the United States, would not hesitate to assist terrorist determined to hurt the United States.
    Lie #10: Bush squandered a 300 billion dollar surplus.
    Truth: The event of 9/11, the collapse of Enron, the collapse of .com companies, Gore challenging the election in the courts, and the subsequent war on terrorism all contributed to the deficit we now face.

    Truth: Bush had no control over the devastating economic loss caused by 9/11.
    Truth: Bush had no control over Al Gore’s challenge to the election causing an immediate 20% drop in the stock market.
    Lie #12: "Bush turned a 5 trillion dollar surplus into a 5 trillion dollar defecit."
    Wesley Clark 9/17/03

    Truth: The projected defecit for 2003 is 450 billion dollars. Evidentally, the general has trouble with billions and trillions, or he knows the difference, but believes Democrat's don't.

    Truth: There never was a 5 trillion dollar surplus.

    Lie #13: "Bush's failed policies has caused a 2.7 million job loss"
    Wesley Clark 9/17/03

    Truth: 9/11 caused the job loss, along with a downturn in the economy that started in the last year of the Clinton administration. 9/11 also caused a 370 billion loss to the economy, plus a three trillion dollar capital loss in the stock market crash that immediately followed this disaster.
    Truth: Bush's policies since 9/11 has caused a rebound in the economy which eventually will result in more jobs for people.

  5. #80


    brrrrrrrrrrrrip whirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Excellent.

  6. #81


    maxx post #77: Like the insurance exchanges created by the new law?
    -I was thinking more like, for instance, $40 cash no insurance sign off on lawsuit doctor visits in addition to the $125 visits we presently have. You could still pay three times as much if you prefer.

    The patents have to run out first.
    -Over the counter drugs are patented too. Liberty can be a scary concept but imagine you have the rights to your own body as the abortion lobby contends. Extend that right to put whatever you like in your body too. Instead of the markup for pharmacist services, a warning would often suffice as on a cigarette pack. Instead of waiting years to fully test an anti-cancer drug, the FDA could probationally release when earlier good results start flowing in with the caveat that one takes the drug at their own risk. Cancer patients could then have another option before they would other wise die.

    Any old foreign drugs or do you think the FDA should look over the research behind them?
    -I think that is between the buyer and seller. If someone wants to buy US Prozac at the full price they can still do that. If they want to take a chance on Canadian Prozac at half price or Cuban Prozac at 15% of the US drug with the FDA blessing, they should have that option.

    How much flexibility? And who is responsible if a lot of people get very sick? After all, you said that the gov. should first of all do no harm
    -Doing harm would be feeding poison like Monsanto frankenfoods, DHA to milk, chlorinating water, adding growth hormones and carcinogenic preservatives to meat to the population. The FDA condones all that.

    How encouraged? With ads? With grants? And how would that square with all the rhetoric about the U.S. having the best healthcare system in the world?
    Insurance companies have already started doing this. If a given operation costs $100,000 in the US and can be done in India or Singapore for $25,000 no grants are necessary because the cost of transportation and the operation are a small fraction of the cost here. The topic is cost, not rhetoric.

    Is that your idea of freedom? More taxes? If by freedom you are referring to the free market, I recall that neocon deregulation allowed the airlines to fly planes without cockpit locks, which resulted in hijackers taking over the planes on 9/11
    The stronger locks and doors were put on after Muslim terrorists showed up. The government wouldn’t allow pilots to arm themselves for quite a while though even after that. I was being critical of our former Democratic Governor for taxing hospital and nursing home patients not promoting taxes.

  7. #82


    Quote Originally Posted by gdogslim View Post
    Well now, lets take a lookie lookie see at some of the top ten democrat lies, just for fun.
    http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/987465/posts -
    [[Oh you can't do that.., thats...a a right wing web site written by right wing hate mongering fascist extremists who watch fox news and are pro military) - [[So will respond the liberal drones)
    The Top 10 Democratic Lies
    By John Kanelous 8/5/2003Lie #1: Global Warming, caused by the emission of greenhouse gasses, will melt the ice caps and cause massive global flooding.
    Truth: In 400 years of measuring global temperatures, the temperature has only increased 3/4 of one Degree.
    don't have to go to your site when the first one out of the box is total BS, as has been shown and fully substantiated with citations numerous times in numerous ways in numerous threads on this board

  8. #83


    Lie #1: Global Warming, caused by the emission of greenhouse gasses, will melt the ice caps and cause massive global flooding.

    I realize that there aren't any ice caps for you to observe here in Michigan, but they are melting. The permafrost is also melting, and so are the glaciers. This has led to a decrease in the amount of glacier run-off in our rivers.

    In 400 years of measuring global temperatures, the temperature has only increased 3/4 of one Degree.
    Global temperature has been increasing relatively steadily since the early 1800’s and the end of what was known in Europe as the Little Ice Age. Of the 1°C increase in average global temperature over that time interval, more than 50% has occurred since 1980. [Cornell]

    You forgot to add "by 2050" to Kanelous's statement. That's his out. If the ocean hasn't completely inundated NYC by 2050 or 2060, he can declare that he was right even if the ocean is destroying NYC's plumbing by then. The deniers want to quibble over how closely disaster is following scientists' predictions instead of dealing with the disaster. That would require them to actually look at what businesses have been doing to contribute to the disaster. And the real issue is global poisoning by businesses.
    And what evidence does Kanelous give for this pronouncement. What are his credentials?

    Lie #3: The only reason for Bush going to war with Iraq is to get their oil, and line his own pockets.
    : This slanderous Democratic allegation was totally un-American, bordering on treason, and was never backed up by any evidence or supporting facts. It insinuated the President of the United States was a liar and a criminal.

    Bush was a liar as were Cheney and a lot in his admin. Bush's prof. at Harvard actually became a citizen in order to comment before the 2004 election on Bush's behavior at Harvard. Specifically, he said Bush behaved like a pathological liar. Google. The Dunce at Salon.com.

    Bush Lies: http://pearly-abraham.tripod.com/htmls/bushlies1.html
    Last edited by maxx; January-12-11 at 12:47 PM.

  9. #84


    Lie #4: Bush wants to abolish Social Security

    Republicans want to kill Social Security. They want to shrink gov. down where, as Grover Norquist put it, it could be drowned in a bathtub.

    Lie #7: Bush tax cut was only for the rich.
    Where is the evidence that Democrats as a party say that? They don't. They say that tax cuts should be for everyone but the very rich. Republicans know that the top2% are their base as W put it. They held up an arms treaty and people's Unemployment benefits fighting for a tax cut for the people who need it the least. It would have meant that the rich had to pay 39% instead of 36% in taxes. Now it will add billions to the deficit, but they will do their best to distract people from knowing this. When's the last time any of your favorite righties mentioned how much the tax cut for the richest people here will affect the deficit?

    Last edited by maxx; January-12-11 at 12:56 PM.

  10. #85


    You appear to be a libertarian when it comes to people taking drugs,which may be poisonous, but you want people to be protected from poisonous foods.

    johnsmith: I guess more liberty candidates are the answer if they face too much resistance from the establishment Democrats and Republicans who got this country so F'd up and in the condition it's in right now and plan on doing so unless they are stopped..
    Your "liberty" candidates won't have a chance unless they sell themselves to some big money. That's the way our elections are paid for and the SCOTUS Citizens United decision has only made that situation more skewed towards corporate interests.
    Last edited by maxx; January-12-11 at 12:59 PM.

  11. #86


    PolitiFact: Bachmann’s claims ‘false’ more often than any other politician

    I guess she wins whatever contest they were trying to hold.

    LOL! I see what they mean.
    Last edited by Jimaz; January-21-11 at 04:45 PM.

  12. #87


    Quote Originally Posted by maxx View Post
    You appear to be a libertarian when it comes to people taking drugs,which may be poisonous, but you want people to be protected from poisonous foods.
    I have no idea how you came that conclusion based on post number 81. I was offering some ideas as to how health care could become much more affordable based on libertarian reforms. The FDA and myriad other government regulations are responsible for this lack of options and the FDA even condones the corpfarm poisons put into our food and water; examples cited. I would sometimes like to be protected from the FDA if that is what you meant.

  13. #88


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    maxx, One of my neighbors hired two Russian students as farm hands. After the second time the DNR caught them poaching, they moved off in the middle of the night. I would have to guess that they were also having some sort of visa problems. If the ad had pictures of Russian farmhands scowling instead of Hispanics, would Sharon Angle, in your mind, still be a bad Christian for suggesting that State finite taxpayer subsidies be for citizens rather than illegal Russkies?
    Yes, but there's no bandwagon to oust all Russians in the U.S.. In fact, there is the Jewish lobby that might even go to bat for them. And I'd guess that the Russians would look more like the average American than an hispanic, which would work to the Russians' advantage. There is a natural tendency to distrust people who look different so they become lightning rods for popular hatred.

  14. #89


    Hispanics are much easier to profile, than whitey Texans and Arizonans.

  15. #90


    Quote Originally Posted by maxx View Post
    Yes, but there's no bandwagon to oust all Russians in the U.S.. In fact, there is the Jewish lobby that might even go to bat for them. And I'd guess that the Russians would look more like the average American than an hispanic, which would work to the Russians' advantage. There is a natural tendency to distrust people who look different so they become lightning rods for popular hatred.
    There is a bandwagon to toss out illegal aliens but not legal Mexican Americans. No doubt, some legal Mexican Americans do get profiled if the largest number of illegal aliens is presently from Mexico. This has happened before. Roosevelt even put Japanese American citizens in prison camps; a totally different level of profiling.

    Could you explain your "natural tendency " concept? Does it have a scientific basis, it is genetic, etc? If East Asians, or Asian Americans, consider white Americans to be lazy and less intelligent, would you consider such attitudes to be an example of your "natural tendency"?

  16. #91


    xenophobia : http://books.google.com/books?id=_hc...atural&f=false

    I was thinking about all the superstitions that developed around people who had birth defects or maladies from aging. Then there is the problem of communicating with people who speak a different language. The individual foreigner does not represent a threat but foreigners in large numbers can be seen as a threat.
    Last edited by maxx; January-23-11 at 12:26 PM.

  17. #92


    Yes, you are right on.

  18. #93



    I can see The Onion's next headline: Michele Bachmann speaks, national IQ goes down

  19. #94


    Some of these are actually old Republican lies now.
    Fact-checking Ryan's response to the State of the Union.

  20. #95


    Quote Originally Posted by maxx View Post
    Some of these are actually old Republican lies now.
    Fact-checking Ryan's response to the State of the Union.
    That's a good progressive site. I like the use of numbers and graphs; something progressives normally avoid. Could you reconcile the graphs found therein with the stubborn official unemployment numbers? Almost all the jobs supposedly were lost under Bush but unemployment was 6.7% at the end of the November when Obama was elected and at 7.6% at the end of the January in which Obama took office. Yet for some reason this organization's graphs show job losses ending shortly after Obama took office with consistent private sector job growth while unemployment rates kept climbing over 9%. This was, of course, after Obama launched Porkulus which his office claimed would prevent unemployment from climbing over 8% because we were going to be building high speed rails, and otherwise correcting our infrastructure - the very same things he promised to do again last night using the word 'investments' instead of 'stimulus'. Maybe this time he means it?

  21. #96


    Ola: You know that the unemployment rate is determined by how many people register at the unemployment office looking for work, so it goes up and down depending on how optimistic people feel about finding work.

    You also know that the President can't just command that someone start to build a highspeed rail. It had to go through a very conservative congress that spent too much time on other matters and generally dragged its feet and then complained that some work got down at the end of the session.
    Also a lot of the stimulus money went to states to spend as they liked which is why it seemed to take so long.
    Last edited by maxx; January-26-11 at 01:20 PM.

  22. #97


    Quote Originally Posted by maxx View Post
    Ola: You know that the unemployment rate is determined by how many people register at the unemployment office looking for work, so it goes up and down depending on how optimistic people feel about finding work.

    You also know that the President can't just command that someone start to build a highspeed rail. It had to go through a very conservative congress that spent too much time on other matters and generally dragged its feet and then complained that some work got down at the end of the session.
    Also a lot of the stimulus money went to states to spend as they liked which is why it seemed to take so long.
    That's just it. The graphs from your links show all this consistent job growth while the official unemployment rate which only records non discouraged job seekers remains stubbornly high. Some say that using older methods of tallying the percentage of unemployed would reveal even higher percentages. Also, the higher than normal numbers of unemployed Americans are not considered in the official unemployment percentage. If discouraged and under employed workers were considered, the unemployment rate would be even further divergent from your link's graphs.

    So what percentage of Porkulus was earmarked for high speed rails? Wasn't that money supposed to get Americans back to work on infrastructure? The President had a Democrat Congress for the last two years. Nothing was accomplished with railroads. How many years are we supposed to wait for all this if the idea was to get Americans back to work.?

    Meanwhile, China is utilizing all the money we send it.-
    "High-speed rail in China refers to any commercial train service in the People's Republic of China with an average speed of 200 km/h [[120 mph) or higher. By that measure, China already has the world’s longest high-speed rail [[HSR) network with about 7,431 km [[4,617 mi) of routes in service as of September 2010, including 1,995 km [[1,240 mi) of rail lines with top speeds of 350 km/h [[220 mph)." -wikipedia

  23. #98


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    The President had a Democrat Congress for the last two years. Nothing was accomplished with railroads.
    The president did have a democratic congress but depending on the strategies that the minority party is using if you don't have a supermajority in the house and senate you can get bogged down with procedural shenanigans [[filibusters especially the way they do it now days).
    I mention this because you make it seem like the President because he has a majority congress can pretty much ram his agenda thru.

  24. #99
    gdogslim Guest


    They were blaming Republicans for blocking bill when the Libs had a super majority to ram down anything they wanted. Just shows you how stupid the democrats are that they believed it.

    Republican Lie #3526
    Obama will raise energy prices for all Americans with Cap and Tax.
    see video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqHL404zhcU

  25. #100


    Another lie: the free market is the ideal

    Ocean Sky: Workers Paid 8 Cents for Each $25 NFL T-shirt They Sew

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