Granted, it appears as though the Pain Train has jumped the tracks; however, I'm not at all convinced Zack said that Mr. Satan forced him to throw out the China Doll slam. I watched his vimeo vid a few times and what he said was that he used a poor choice of words, but those words were used by Mr. Satan to incite hatred against him.

He took responsiblity for calling our Chinadoll a China Doll, but that those words were taken out of context by Mr. Satan's minions.

Crazy? Maybe. Confused? Absolutely.

In Follet's self-educated understanding of the bible, he believes that the little vices in people's lives: the 7 Deadly Sins are not choices people make, not enviromentally determined, but acts of Satan.

Follow me here. For example, gluttony, is a sin of consumption; of eating more than is healthy. If the body is created by God, then eating so much that your heart stops is an act of defiling God's work. In Zak's world being morbidly obese is an example of Satan's handiwork and not an enviromental result of living in the Land of Supersize Fries; the land where cheap foods are funded by Government handouts and policies, while healthy foods can only be afforded by the wealthy.

Now that I think about it, maybe Follet ain't that wrong. Venal men do Satan's bidding by lining their pockets, thereby creating a generation of superized people ...