I agree with the professor. 2% actually seems kind of high, but congrats are in order for making such inroads. I also have a feeling the number of breweries will start to fall, as some of the 'lesser' breweries' product may or may not be of the quality, as is the case with any "new industry." Remember, Michigan was one of the last states to catch on to the microbrew phenomenon, while states like Massachusetts and Colorado have weeded out most of the start-ups.

Also keep in mind, that small craft brewing is hardly a money maker. It's 100% sweat-love,[[90% of that is cleanliness, 10% technique and recipe) and unless you have a brew-pub, selling beer in barrels wholesale is barely break-even. It's only when you get to sell your own product for $4 a pint that you can start to see any return.

And yes, Larry Bell is God. Dark Horse in Marshall places well, too.