Quote Originally Posted by BigSistertoJohnR View Post
JCole, I remember Cindy Brown, but I don't remember getting in trouble for not including her.

I remember the heat up there as well.

Now, here is something probably all of you did not know. Sr. Paul Therese was my second cousin. She knew it, I knew it. To me she was the Wicked Witch from the Wizard of Oz. She was my second cousin on my mother's side.

Well, good old Paul Therese didn't like me. One day I was goofing around...<---big surprise there, and she made me take all the books out of my desk and stand in the back of the room, holding all of my books, for at least an hour.

I truly did not like her! Yes, I'm telling you how I really felt!
And I thought the Book Torture was unique to Sr. Ellen Richard. They must have had Sunday night meetings in the convent of new tortures to use on unruly students.

Paul Therese wasn't my worst nun; she ranked 2nd to ER.