I'm bettin' Old Man Conyers was probably thinkin' to himself: "Why in the hell did I marry this nutty broad?"

First, she calls Ken Cockrel, Jr. "Shrek", then from what the news said, she told his step-mom that she oughta "Get a man", and then denied it when asked.

Nothing like politics in good ol' Motown. Part of me actually misses the days of the Young and Archer Admins.. At least they were ran by older, experienced, mature and professional folk who knew what in the hell they were doing, to say the least.

Like most Detroiters, I am disgusted with the way this city is run. I 'm considering moving back to Clinton Twp, maybe SCS might be a change of scene for me.

[[*Angry black man in the 'hood tired of the same ol' bull____ every [bleep]in' day!*)